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There lived a boy full of anger and spite. Mathis's spite became a shield against the pain of the losses he had gained, anger his sword. All those who fought against him compared him to an impenetrable fortress. The world had taken too much from him and he had enough.


This all started with the car accident involving the loss of his mother and younger brother. He had been in the car when another car came barrelling down the hill. It had been so quick that no one even to scream before it hit. He blacked out.

The next thing he knew, he was waking up to a blurry pristine white room. Despite the pure white that was everywhere, it smelt like blood and chemicals. His vision focused and he noticed someone sitting beside him. The man was wearing a white lab coat but he was sitting in the fetal position. His uneven black hair was hanging across his hands that were cupped to his face, it seemed to be from frustration that he had chosen this pose. The man's head slowly turned upwards to meet Mathis's curious face. That was when he recognised the man.
"Mathis!" his dad exclaimed, drawing him into a tight hug.
"Dad stop, you're killing me." Mathis joked but his dad shook slightly and sat up properly, releasing his son.
"I was so shocked when they rushed you all in. I tried so hard to save everyone....." A fountain of tears erupted from his dad's face. It was now clear to Mathis that his mother and younger brother had died. His Dad, James Stewart, a very brilliant doctor had not been able to save the ones he loved. James was now a broken man. Mathis watched as his father collected himself, muttered something about 'other patients' and was off.

This left Mathis to his own devices, so he decided to check his body of injuries. Legs? Both intact. Arms? One in a cast but mostly okay. Head? He looked to his side to find his phone on the table beside him. He turned it on and clicked onto the camera app. He was surprised to find a recently stitched wound that ran along the edge of his chin on the right side of his head. It looked like a really creepy smile. His raven coloured hair a mess and his Titan green eyes looked warry. His hand reached towards his face to trace the stitching.

"Gosh, there was such a commotion over someone who didn't even get that many injuries? What is this world coming to!" said a voice in the direction of the doorway. He turned his head to see a girl with long brown hair and eyes so grey it seemed like it was raining inside of her. She was leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed. "I'm sorry, what a rude greeting. I was attempting familiarity as this will be your grand introduction to the hospital. My names Isabelle, I practically live here at the hospital. You call me Bella. Who are you?" she explained with the slight flick of the hair.
"My name is Mathis" He said quietly, lifting himself out of the bed. Isabella took herself away from the door to stand in front of Mathis.
"Well Mathis, I'm here to show you around!" a quirky smile played upon her lips. She grabbed his hand and started dragging him throughout the hospital. "That's my room!" she stated, pointing to the room across the hallway. Walking up the hallway, she pointed to a Japanese lady "This is Akane, she's the head nurse for this ward and she sometimes brings in biscuits to eat".
"Really Bella, you should stop telling new patients. It increases the amount I have to make" Akane complained, but her face held nothing but sadness. Mathis guessed that the reason behind Bella being here for such a long time was because she was extremely sick.
"Oh but you love making those biscuits" said Bella.
"Well you got me" Akane laughed and he was once again whisked though the hallways of the hospital. He was introduced to a humongous amount of patients. Each one worse off than the last but the worse they were, the happier their attitude.

"So what was your favourite place of my fabulous tour" Bella asked as they were walking back to his room. It had turned night and dinner was about to be served to the patients.
"I think mine would have to be Mr. Smiley and his crazy stories. I've heard some really weird old people stories but his are just crazy" He grinned and Bella giggled. They got to the door and Bella looked quickly behind her. Her face turned anxious.
"I really have to go back now" she said as she fled towards her room. He didn't even get to say goodbye. She was being rude again.

Mathis sat in his bed feeling good despite all that had happened earlier that day. Bella was so energetic, she had cheered him up. His mum would have thought that it would be virtually impossible to ever make him this happy. He would defiantly miss her. His brother would have laughed and teased him, suspecting him of having a 'crush on her'. He would miss him. This was going to be hard, but as long as he had someone as happy as Bella with him. He would get through the hardships.


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