The Beginning

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"Bonnie I'm here. You sounded so urgent on your phone call. "

"Elena. My Grams came to me in my dreams and she revealed to me a spell that will help us against the Original family. "

"What was the spell Bonnie?"

"Elena you have to understand that this spell is not like other spells. "

"What do you mean Bonnie?"

"The spell includes time travel. Even I'm not for sure what time you will be sent back to. "

"This a lot to process. "

"If we're successful. The originals can be done for and out of our hair for good. "


"Elena. Just think about it. "

"I don't have to. I'll do it. "

"You sure Elena?"

"I'm sure as I'll ever be. When are we going to do this?"

"I need a couple hours to get the stuff prepared. "

"Alright. "

"Elena I wouldn't involve Stefan or Damon. This needs to stay between the two of us. "

I nodded. I couldn't believe I was doing this? But, it was for a good cause? Right?

"I'll return in a hour?"

"Sounds good. The spell should be ready by then. "
I was currently eyeing over the still photographs along my wall. The pictures of my parents and Jeremy.

I will miss them. 
Alaric was out and Jeremy was at an art school away from the small town that was Mystic Falls.
I couldn't say any goodbyes which was depressing. Yet, it worked out. She didn't have to face anyone and worry about whether or not that they would be alright without her.

Taking a short glance at the mini alarm clock that sat on her bedside table she knew she would have to leave for Bonnie's soon. Taking one last look at her room engraving everything she knew in her head. She didn't want to forget anything. She wanted to hold onto the life she would always remember.


"Bonnie I'm back. " she shouts.

Bonnie stepped out of the kitchen and greeted Elena. She held an old book in her arms the Bennett Grimoire she assumed.

"......Ready?" Bonnie hesitantly asks.

"Yes. " She answers confidently. Surprising herself even. It seemed like in this moment her worries had vanished and the worries had formed into excitement.

"Right. Step into the circle Elena."

Elena follows Bonnie's direction stepping into the circle which was lined with flower petals. Elena glanced at Bonnie in question.

"Don't look at me I didn't write it." She offered and continued, "Elena, I will start now. " She nods her head to the Bennett witch.

Elena could hear the start of the spell - Latin words came out of Bonnie's lips.

A wind crept into the room blowing vases and picture frames off tables and lights flickering on and off. Elena stayed where she was, but as she continued to watch Bonnie she could see the blood dripping from her nose.

"Bonnie!" Elena shouted her last words until Elena was taken out of the circle and throwing her back to an age where there were no such thing as vampires.

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