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Ethan walked into his house. It was dark like always 'mayonnaise is probably asleep' he mattered to himself silently he remmebered the time he and mayonnaise met. It was a dark cold September night a winter day. Ethan had just finished work and he was hungry and tired. He heard his chub n tuck growl a mighty growl like a thousand lions had growled at once and he knew what he wanted for lunch that day Ethan really wanted ..he really really wanted
yes he wanted a sweet creamy soft bowl of beauiful mayonnaise and he wanted it now "hmmm" thinking about it made Ethan's mouth gasp with drool "i want mayonnaise" Ethan said seducingly that's all he thought about mayonnaise mayonnaise mayonnaise mayonnaise mayonnaise mayonnaisemayonnaisemayonnaisemayonnaise mayonnaise MAYONNAISEEE and then he saw it. His eyes flicked open there eyes met and Ethan couldn't help but look but then he realised it was a mayonnaise poster which was faker than kissing pranks. Ethan couldn't help but feel tricked and betrayed but then a miracle happened he saw the real mayonnaise a wave of cold air slapped him across the face and his bright orange red beanie fell off and landed on the dark brown pavement "i found you" Ethan breathed he found his mayonnaise. Time stopped and cherry tress appeared out of nowhere and it started raining pink flowers ....cherry blossoms .....the win blew slower. Ethan kept his eyes locked on to his mayonnaise... mayonnaise looked back. Is this love? how? am i in love ? these questions buzzed in Ethan's magical head like an angry wasp.
" no i love hila" he said at last and then he saw ... he saw mayonnaise he saw the single tear of hope run down mayonnaise's glass Ethan didn't care anymore they both knew what they wanted ... he wanted mayonnaise and mayonnaise wanted him. Ethan knew from that day on he would live his life as a free man a man with a good looking mayonnaise jar next to him. He just hoped soflo didn't steal his beloved jar of mayonnaise without permission. Anyway he didn't care because from that day he and mayonnaise were still together and they lived a happy life Ethan broke up with hila who was so upset all she could say was " really" but Ethan didn't care Ethan was feeling amazing for once in his life he felt loved thinking about the story made Ethan want to hug mayonnaise so he steped into the bedroom and saw his majestic jar of mayonnaise laying on it's glass back as the rays of sunlight hit the jar and made it sparkle like diamonds. This made Ethan's heart jump up in joy ... mayonnaise looked so dam hot and he couldn't contain himself anymore he wanted mayonnaise and mayonnaise wanted him Ethan crawled on top the king sized bed where hila used to sleep but now it had a sexy looking jar of mayonnaise on it. Ethan stroked the jar and then he had to pee so he went to pee. When he came back his attractive mystical jar of mayonnaise was
but there was a note
' everyone's playing checkers, but I've been playing chess for years' ~by your boy soflo
soflo had stolen mayonnaise with out permission ....
then the door
and there
hila with
another one
another jar of mayonnaise....

hey people i wrote this for fun i watched an ethan and hila video and in the video ethan talked about how much he loved mayonnaise so i decided to write a fanfic about it cuzzz i was bored xD

Ethan and the mayonnaiseWhere stories live. Discover now