In loving memory of my sanity rip

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Lizzy : so everyone I have some bad news or good in my case

Master : what's is the news

Lizzy : lissanna is dead again

Luffy : who ?

Lucy : what !!!!!!!!!!!

Master : WHAT !!!!!!!!!

natsu : WHAT!!!!!!!!!!

gray : I was woundering what happened to her

Lizzy : shut it gray you should  just be thankfull  your not dead as well 

Gray : ok

Lucy : so whens  the funeral

Lizzy : what funeral that 2 timing hore doesn't deserve a funeral I just berned her body and through the assese in m y fertizer pile with my other ashes

Luffy : ok I am confused

Lizzy : luffy just sit there and look pretty thats all your here for

Luffy :  Wtf

Natsu : Liz how could you kill lissana

Lizzy : I finaly found out what I am gunna do with my life

Natsu : don't change the subject liz

Lucy : good for you liz so what are gunna do with you life

Natsu : Liz why did you kill lissana

Liz : do you reason I think you know the reason and you should be thanking me she was cheating on you

Natsu : you should die

Lizzy : diniale isn't just a river natsu

Natsu : .......

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Master : well the forest is on fire

Master has logged off

Lucy : well I should deal with that

Gray yea I'll be right there

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Lizzy : is it Rilly that big of a fire probably 

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