Sneaky: Chapter Sixteen

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Sneaky by: Faerie_Writer


Alex's P.O.V.

We, as in Blake and I, were lead to what could easily be the fanciest room in the whole freaking hotel by my brother Henry. I wasn't surprised when I saw this though.

I mean, come ON! This is my parents we're talking about!

You know, the people who think money can buy ANYTHING?

Life included.

I knew that all too well.

We were lead through one lavish room after another and I watched as Blake took in all the elegant and priceless things, open mouthed, eyes wide as could be.

I bet he was wondering how many rooms this suite had, while I was wondering how many rooms until we got to wherever my parents were waiting.

The answer was one.

Because one room later we walked into what I knew was the master bedroom and saw my parents lounging about, my dad writing furiously on his laptop, and my mom napping on the couch nearby.

The minute we walked in my dad shut his laptop and my mom was suddenly wide-awake.


For starters my parents value sleep. Heck, my mom slept through Cole's funereal (something I've never forgiven her for) and my parents never stop writing (I think you now know what my dad was doing at Cole's funeral).

This means something big is going on.

"Hi." I said with a little wave.

Yup, haven't seen my parents in forever and that was it.

No hug, no 'oh my gosh' or 'I've missed you guys so much!', no super huge love fest, where we all trade stories and have a family dinner together or anything, just a hi.

Though with my family that was pretty usual, we didn't have a lot of... quality time together if you will.

"Hi honey." My mom said.

"Hi dear." My dad added.

I had to bite my lip to keep my mouth from falling open in shock, what the heck was going on?

Now you might not understand but this was a very big deal! Most of the times my parents could care less about my life, and don't even give a response to anything I do.

Now I get a 'hi honey' and 'hi dear' for no reason!

Well, then again, there must be a reason; these are MY parents after all.

With them, whether it's fluff or not, no words are wasted. So these random 'hi's' must have a purpose.

"Well hon," my dad began, "we have to get back to work, but we just wanted to say hi..."

'And?' I found myself silently asking.

There had to be some other catch, some other price, something that was traded for these 'hi's I had been given, because as I've been saying my parents don't just hand out words for free...

"And," there it was, "we wanted to let you know that your brother will be attending the same school as you are now."

I looked at Henry for conformation, and he smiled, and gave me a big thumbs up.

Yes! He was really coming!

Though I hid it well, I often got homesick at school, and having one of the family around would help.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2009 ⏰

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