Chapter 3

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Everything gradually started to feel real; to feel alive again as you slowly regained consciousness. You shifted your arms and legs, a slight grown escaping your mouth as you felt your temple throbbing with pain. That's when you remembered what had happened.

You jolted your head up, opening your eyes but instantly regretting the action as you felt dizzy, and your eyes trying to adjust to the light didn't help you to recover quickly either.

"You're finally up, are you okay Babe? Does your head hurt?" Once your eyes had adjusted and the dizziness had faded you were finally able to take in your surroundings; you were in a dimly lit warehouse sat in a rusty metal chair with your arms and legs tightly bound by rope that burned your arms as you tried to move them. Sat on a stool a couple of feet away was the orange haired guy, he was the one who had just spoken, but the mint-green haired guy sat on another stool slightly further away, he paid no interest in you; only in his lighter which he flicked on and off admiring the flame every time it sparked into life.

You paid no attention to them, even as the orange haired one continued asking if you were ok; his pet names making you cringe. Your focus was on the third gang member in the room; he was tall and had dark brown hair that fell over his eyes. He was leaning against a post hidden in the shadows, his eyes standing out as he stared at you with curiosity; you met his gaze and the two of you stared at each other, neither of you wanting to be the first to break the eye contact. His gaze made you relax and feel calm despite your current situation.

"Hello, Babe, are you okay, Babe? Oh my god, are you okay? Y/N!!" You broke your gaze away as a hand was waved in your face; the orange-haired guy getting impatient from your lack of response. You just stared at him with a blank expression, refusing to show any emotion.

"Well? Are you okay?" He looked at you, raising his eyebrows until they were no longer visible under his fringe; you kept the blank expression as you spoke.

"I got ganged on by 7 guys, beaten and knocked unconscious by a guy with fricking brass knuckles and now I'm tied up in a warehouse with a desperate dick and his two sidekicks." You looked him in the eye refusing to look away or change your expression as you, sort of, answered his question. The guy looked at you dumbfound, completely shocked at your sudden outburst while his mint haired friend made a low chuckle that sent shivers down your spine.

"I like this girl" He spoke, his voice low and raspy, you looked at him and he smirked back clearly impressed at your nerves. He chuckled again but by now the orange haired guy had regained his composure.

"So I'll take that as a no. You'll want to watch your mouth missy, not all of us have a sense of humour. But anyway..." He shuffled his stool forward and sat back down close enough that his knees pushed into your legs, you couldn't help but flinch as you had no where to go to escape him and having close proximity with anyone you didn't know always made you uncomfortable.

"It's time to get down to business." He whispered the last part, leaning forward so he was only inches from your face; you squirmed in your seat making him smirk. He placed a hand on your thigh to hold it down making you stay still as he stared at your lips intently, however, he was soon interrupted as the mint haired guy cleared his throat as a way of telling him to back off. So, he sat back and eyed you before speaking again.

"My names Jimin by the way. Now, I don't want you to worry because we're not gonna hurt... yet." Jimin murmured the last part of that sentence knowing you wouldn't want to hear it; but you did.

"Anyway, you know why you're here, wait... you do know what your sister does right?" The sudden realisation that your sister could have kept her gang activity a secret hit Jimin so he had to make sure that wasn't the case.

"Yeah, I know her gang beat your asses on a daily basis." You tried to hold back your smirk as Jimin glared at you before shaking his head and continuing.

"Well, it would be helpful to us if you could tell us all that you know about The Ark and what they're planning."

"Something tells me I'm not going to be able to refuse."

"I mean you can but that would be where the 'yet' from what I said earlier comes in."


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