Chapter 2

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One hour and one fancy drink, that has nothing to do with coffee later, I'm back outside lighting another cigarette when I spot a man across the street. He's wearing a suit and is obviously in a hurry. Hastily he checks both sides before making a run for the other side. As he's coming closer I examine the men and recognize the familiar facial features. With his dark brown, short hair, his tan and strong jaw he looks like a business man you could call attractive.

When he sees me a smile tugs at his lips and he lifts his hand in greeting.

Slowly I lift my cigarette to my lips and take a deep drag. Immediately his smile falls.

"Fillipa, I am so sorry." he almost yells as he's still a few steps away.

Looking bored I take a last drag of my cigarette and put it out. He stands before me now and looks at me closely.

"I didn't know you smoked" he tells me in a sharp tone.

"Well, that is not surprising. Even my dentist knows more about me than you do" I reply in an equally sharp.

He looks taken aback and I grab ma bags and my suitcase and head the way he came from.

Following me he takes my luggage from me and asks me how my flight was.

"It was okay" I answer not particularly interested in making conversation.

"I am really sorry, you know. I got held back at work because of a very important meeting. I just couln't leave" he even manages to throw in a bit of regret somewhere in between his lines.

"Of course, Dave, I understand. It is also understandable that you were not able to send a quick message to your daughter whom you haven't seen in 5 years and who had been waiting for over two hours. No big deal. Work's important."

He looks at me, trying to find words but I face forward and walk faster.

Once we have reached the car and ma luggage is loaded we head out of the airport towards the city.

"It only takes about 40 minutes to your apartment, it's located in a very nice neighborhood, you'll like it." he tells me.

"What do you mean "my apartment?" I ask, surprised.

" Didn't I tell you? I recently moved in with Tiffany. I wanted to give you some freedom and thought you'd want your own place."

Wow, how gracious of him. I'm indeed happy I will have my own space but I'm a ev bit shocked that he is living with the stepmonster now. Well, stepmonster is a bitexaggerated.

As far as I know they have been dating for a bout a year. I only met her on skype one time and then she added me on facebook, which was not a smart move on your side. It really is hard to take someone seriously who writes a status update about every supposedly important occurrence in her life.

I got my nails done today, the color is called "Sexual Healing", hope my darling will like this.

My new Prada purse just arrived, oh my gosh - it's gorgeous!

Kittythecat just coughed up a fur ball, how exciting!

Well, you get my point..

Also, she is only 5 years older than me, which doesn't make the situation easier.

"Thanks, I appreciate the sacrifice you're making for my sake.. " I reply dryly.

He turns to my with a look on his face that says he's definitely not appreciating my snarky comment.

"Fillipa, I know we don't have a great father daughter relationship and I realize I barely have been there for you. But I want to make it up to you. I am really trying here and I don't want to treat you like a teenager because right now you're acting like one. Especially since we will be working together. I'm expecting you to be serious and professional. This is a big deal, I hope you know that."

Sighing I look at him "David, don't worry. I am very capable of acting professional and you won't have to treat me like a teenager, you missed those years, be glad. I am really tired right now and had to wait two hours at the airport so please forgive me if I'm not on my best behavior right now."

"You're right. Let's get you home so you can rest. And I am really sorry that you had to wait. It won't happen again."

I leave it at that and stare out of the window. We just entered a tunnel and the lights flicker by. It makes me want to close my eyes and drift off to sleep. When I open my eyes again a few minutes later I am rewarded with a stunning few of downtown Pittsburgh. There is a concrete jungles of bridges, skyscrapers and rivers before us. It looks beautiful and for the first time since stepping on the plane a sincere smile sneaks on my face.

"Welcome to Pittsburgh" David says, also smiling.

15 minutes later he pulls up in front of an apartment house. It's pretty big and made of red bricks. I look around and note that there's a small cafe right across the street. It looks nice and I can't wait to check it out. Right now I just want to sleep.

We take my luggage out of the car and once in the elevator David presses the button for the 3rd floor.

He takes out his keys and opens the door for me. I step inside and can't believe my eyes.

It's a rooftop apartement with huge windows. I step through the hall and on my right side there's a huge open kitchen with an island. To my left is the living area. There's semi dark hardwood floors in the whole apartment and stylish furniture which is mostly white. Stepping further into the room I see a huge flat screen across from the couch. I can't help being impressed. Even more so when I open the door to the rooftop terrasse. The view is amazing. Overlooking the roofs of the other houses I spot a view hills covered in trees afar.

I turn around and step back into the apartment. David stands in the living room with my luggage and motions to my right.

"There's the bedroom with an en suite bathroom. There's another bathroom in the hall. Tiffany put some fresh flowers in the kitchen. I hope you like them. She also filled the fridge so you should be good for a while. If you need anything else you can call her or me anytime.."

He looks a bit uncomfortable and I guess he's ready to leave so I save him from anymore discomfort.

"Alright. Thanks, David. I really appreciate you guys doing all of this for me."

"You're welcome. We're happy to have you. Now try to get some rest. Tiff wants to have a dinner at our house tomorrow for you: The guys from the team will be there, too.

"Sounds good."

"Ah, one more thing. I know you're not one of "those girls" but.. you will be my assistant and I am managing a hockey team which means that you will be with those guys a lot. I just want to make it clear that I want you to uphold a professional relationship with them at all times. This is very important. I had this talk with them already but you are a beautiful girl in her best age and those meatheads are always focused on scoring, any way possible.."

I snort and look at him incredulously "Oooookay, noted. Good talk. I gotta' go sleep. See you tomorrow."

He sighs wearily and turns to go. "Good night, Fillipa. Sleep well."

When I hear the door close behind him I let out a sigh and flop down on my kindgsized bed.

What a day.

It's not even 3pm but I'm beat. I drag my suitcase in my generous bedroom and open it. Grabbing my PJs I head to the bathroom and change. I feel filthy but I just can't talk myself into taking a shower.

I close the window shades and sink into my bed. This is heaven.

Just as I start wondering about tomorrow, about meeting the guys for the first time and about everything that's ahead of me, sleep overcomes me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2016 ⏰

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