My reality

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(Dakota in pic)

Dakota's POV

Its Sunday morning, it may sound exciting for everybody but for me is hell. I just move to this country, in which I don't know anyone. That's not bad because I have never had friends and my step dad forbid  me any kind of relationship with people.
Im a 17 year old girl who leaves with her step dad. He is alcoholic and I hate him. I cant wait to graduate and leave him alone for ever.
My mom died when I was 12 because he was driving drunk and they crashed, unfortunately she died instantly and he survived.
Anyways I hear glass shattering downstairs and I know what is going on so I just change into some black jeans, a black t shirt and my black leather combat boots. I brush my blonde hair and do my typical smokey eyes make up. My nose piercing gives me a bad girl look when Im the opposite.

"Dakota!" Yelled my step dad from the kitchen.

"Here we go" I say to myself grabbing my phone.

"What do you want?" I ask neutral as always.

You'll see I don't want to be polite to the man who killed my mother and ruined my life. So I just play it dumb with him making him think that he gots me, when it is so wrong.

He just looks at me with his bloodshot eyes and tumbling.

"The is no more vodka or tequila in this house," he says.

"Its because you drank it," I say like it is the most obvious thing in the world.

He looks at me for a few seconds and walks until he is in front of me.

"It means that you have to buy me some," he says.

He is too close and his breath is making me dizzy in a disgusting way.
"I dont have money and its your drinking problem so you afford it," I say turning around.

I just feel someone pulling my hair really hard. I k ow its him taking his anger on me, like always.
I try to break free but he might be drunk but not weak.

" Its an order not an option you pathetic bitch!" He yells in my face and push me to the floor.

I stand up fast and run outside of that house. I hate him and his stupid problem, if it wasn't for him my mom would be here and nothing would be like this.

This neighborhood is not pretty and it doesn't look safe either. Of course it isn't, he chose it.

I see groups of guys in the streets, they give  me perverted looks as I walk by, that make me want to run and never come back.

It gets dark after a while and the streets are just illuminated by the lamp post lights.  Way to Dakota, alone at night in this neighborhood.

I walk as fast as I can to the house but on my way a group of guys is talking and smoking something that smelled awful.

"Hey pretty girl, why the rush? Come join us" says one of the guys.
He had blonde grease hair and black eyes. Let me tell you he is not attractive at all.
I ignore them and keep walking but I feel steps behind me. I turn and notice that two of them are following me. 
Ok now Im scared. I then make a run but they notice and grab me in a few seconds.

"Let me go you assholes," I try to sound brave but my shaky voice sounded the opposite.

"Oh a feisty girl, I like them," says the other guy. He was tall and built. His eyes were a black color just like his hair.

I try to break free but they were both holding me pushing me to the ground.

"Im gonna fuck you until you cant move anymore," said the black hair guy licking my neck.

He is on top of me and I cant feel his erection pressed against my back. It disgusts me and makes me mad and scared. I then touches and rubes my boobs. It mades me raise my leg as an impulse hitting him where the sun doesn't shine.
He falls limp on the floor grabbing his balls in pain, it makes me proud to see a guy like him in pain for trying to be abusive but I sprint to my house.
When I arrive my step dad is not home because the whole house is in the darkness and  his keys are gone.

I run to my room and let my tears of frustration out.

"Stupid asshole!" I cry until I fall asleep.

What you think of my it?
Is it good or bad? Should I continue or no?

Thanks for the people that support me it means the world  to me.

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