Niall Horan, the New Kid.

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~A/N- hey im new at this! im not that good of a writer either! but if you could follow _niallsnandos_93 on instagram i would love you for forever! thanks babes!~

Chapter 1

"They say that if you love something, let it go. And if it loves you, it will come back. But I don't think the person who wrote that quote knew how hard it would be to let something or someone you love leave. It's probably one of the hardest things in the world, not knowing if they're going to come back or not. Or if they'll find someone new, better. You can't help but feel the pain and devastation of heart break. Everyone in your ear saying 'you'll get over it.' Or 'damn, that sucks.' And you can't tune them out. But then again, when and if they come back, you'll be the happiest person in the world. You'll know what it truly feels like to be loved. And that's one of the best feelings in the world. Love is the hardest feeling to describe, because in love, there's pain, sorrow, happiness, anger, and frustration. This is what love is to me." I said finally looking up at the people I call my classmates.

"Excellent job, Brooklyn! I loved your intro! Very nice!" Mrs. Hamlet, our speech teacher, exclaimed to me.

"Thank you." I said softly as I walked back to my seat. My full name is Brooklyn Josie Richards. I'm senior at West Valley High, a school in London. I have dark brown hair blue-ish, grey-ish eyes. I'm not very tall, "5'3 actually. I have a small frame but a very nice body, at least that's what every one else says. Basically, I have big boobs, skinny waist, and a nice ass.

"Wow Brookie, that was amazing!" My bestfriend Kaylee said to me, with a smile, of course. Kayl always seemed to have a smile on her face. She was very pretty. She had blonde hair, with bright blue eyes. She was tan and she too, had a nice body. We were never really popular, but definitely weren't geeks or dorks or nerds or anything!

"Thanks, love." I said returning a smile. I heard the door shut and I looked up, only to see a very handsome blonde. With blue eyes that looked like the ocean.

I heard most of the girls in our class gasp, Kaylee and I just looked at each with questioning looks.

"Hello!" Said Mrs. Hamlet, "what can I help you with dear?"

"Oh um.. I'm the new kid. Niall Horan?" He said quietly.

"Oh! Right! I forgot! Well, welcome to West Valley! You can take a seat right back there, behind Brooklyn." Mrs. Hamlet said.

I raised my hand so he could see where I was. Why were all the girls giggling and freaking out and taking pictures of him? Weird..

"Ladies, ladies. Phones away." Mrs. Hamlet said glaring at them.

"Hi! I'm Brooklyn, but you can call me Brooke." I said while putting my hand out for him to shake.

"Hello! Niall Horan. Nice to meet you, Brooke." He said taking my hand to shake.

"You too." I replied while smiling.


I was smiling?

At a boy?

For no reason?

What the hell. That usually never happens. I'm not really good with guys. Whatever, I brushed it off and turned back around to look at the board.

Then the bell rang. Off to math.

Okay, did you guys like it? I'm not a good writer so this is all new to me! Comment and vote! Oh wait, I need a cover page! Can y'all make one for me and kik it to me? @/jozzy_boo I'll pick one later.

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