Niall Horan, the New Kid.

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Do you guys think I update to much? Ehh I just don't know haha. Thanks for reading! 6 readers in one day! I think that's good. Haha. Well.. Enjoy(;~

**Brookes POV**

How should I reply...? Damn. This is some hard shit! I'm just gonna play it off like I'm in the shower, and call Kayl.

She answered after a couple of rings.


"Hey Kayl!"

"Oh hey baby girl!"

"So.. Guess what!?"

"Ah! What!!"

"Well.. You know that new kid, Niall?"

"Oh, yeah! He's in our speech class!"

"Right! Well, I actually have him in 5 of my classes, and were friends! And.. We're going on a date tomorrow!"

"What. You, going on a date. What."

"Haha, yeah, I know.. Surprising. I just feel like my self around him! And I don't have to think about what to say."

"Brookie you just met him babe. Don't get to caught up and attached to quick.. Alright? I'm just trying to help you, so don't get mad."

"Yeah I know Kayl! I'm just excited that I finally met a boy that I can be myself around!"

"I know, I'm happy too."

"Good, oh hey, Mikey's back for a week or so."

"Ohmigod. Really!!!"

(She has had a huge crush on him since the 2nd grade, weird right.)

"Haha, yeah!"

"I'm spending the night Friday night."

"Wait, that's tomorrow.. I have a date!"

"It's fine Boo! I'll just wait at your house."

"Bahahaahahahahha okay. Well I should go, love ya. See ya tomorrow!"

"Okay love you too!"

'Click' the line went dead.

Okay, so now to reply to Niall.


Sorry, I was in the shower! And AWUHHH! That's so sweet!


Yeah(; hey I gotta go, see you tomorrow, yeah?


Yeah! Bye!(;



Okay well now what to do with my life.. Oh yeah that's right..


Damn I hate math. When are we ever going to use, 17x5/70+13=x

What the hell? Who gives a shit!!

"HEY MIKEYYYY!" I yelled.

"YEAHHH?" He yelled from his room.


"OKAYYYYY BE THERE IN A SEC KID!" He said. Yesssss! He's gonna help me! Which means he's gonna do all the work.

"Whatcha need help with?" He said as he jumped onto my bed.

"Algebra." I started to fake cry.

"Ah.. Want me to do all the work?" He said laughing.

"Yes please." I said grinning.

•2 hours later•

Mikey and I both were passed out in my bed. But I just woke up to my door squeaking open.

"Awuuhh!" I heard my mum say.

"Well, haven't seen this in awhile." I heard my dads low voice say.

"Guysss.. Kidssss... Mikkkeeyyy.. Brookkeeeee.." My mom said trying to wake is up.

"I'm uppppp.." I said tiredly. "Mikey get up." I said loudly.

"Huh? Oh. Im. I'm up." He said softly.

"It's dinner time!" My mum said.

"FOOD!" Mikey and I yelled at the same time as we ran out if bed and into the dining room.

"What time is it anyways?" I said as I piled food onto my plate.

"Only 5:30." My father said as he sat down.

"Oh. I call shower after dinner." I said.

"Mmk." My mother replied. In my house, my dad and brother share a bathroom and my mum and I share one. Then we don't have to worry about the boys accidentally getting into our "girl stuff".


Do you guys like it? I can't believe Niall and Brooke are going on a date already!!~

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