Why am I so 'shippable' seriously I'm part of way to many ships for my own good xD
Like even this week, (these are both females)
First I leaned over and laid on my friend's shoulder and my other friend sitting at the table shouted 'I SHIP IT!' like really f-ing loud and my other friend also sitting at the table said 'Well I shipped it before it was cool'
Then there's me 'ugh guys we've had a ship name since the beginning of the school year' xD no joke we have
It's Lacee (like Lacy) cause yea combination of our IRL names .-.
Then the other day I kept poking my friends nose so she did it back and my other friend (not one of the two from before) comes up and says 'I ship you two' and class was just let out then so she's walking out if class and shout 'Glad you think I'm lesbian or bi' I'm just walking out laughing. Btw our IRL ship name would be Kake or something like that xD.
So yea that's two examples of ships I'm in .-. And there's more (NeonBerry, NeonShipFTW, etc.)
HALP ;-; I'm becoming scared of the ocean xD

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