Chapter 1

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"Bobby! We're out of milk again!" I shouted up to my godfather. Lately it seemed we were always running out of something.

"Well what do you want me to do about?" he shouted back. I rolled my eyes at his usual crabby attitude.

"I don't know, Bobby. Maybe go get some," I mumbled to myself as I put on my jacket. I should've figured that I would be the one that would have to go out to do the grocery shopping since Bobby never seemed to do it anymore. I scribbled a quick list of necessities we would need to get us through the week.

"I'm going out, ya need anything?" I called to him. Some grumbling responded back but all I could make out was something along the lines of "more beer" and "idgit". I already had beer on the list considering how much we drink of it in the Singer household. I double checked the list one last time before heading towards the door. I was about to leave when one of the phones rang suddenly. With Bobby acting grumpy in his room, I made my way over to answer it.

"Yeah?" I answered in a slightly rude tone. All I wanted was some milk for cereal but it seemed impossible to leave this house quickly. There was a slight pause and I was considering hanging up when a voice on the end finally answered.

"Ray?" it breathed.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"It's me," the voice responded. The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't place a face with it.

"Who's me?" I asked; seriously done with this caller.

"Dean!" the caller announced. Dean? I panicked and hung up the phone. There's no way it could be Dean, I thought while slowly backing away from the phone.

"Who was it?" a voice startled me from behind. I turned around and saw Bobby. There was a pause.

"I don't know," I said, faking a smile. "Probably a prank call." He nodded. I turned to leave when the phone rang again. It rang once. Twice.

"Well aren't you going to answer it?" Bobby looked at me. I swallowed and nodded.

"Who is this?" I answered in a gruff tone.

"Ray! Listen to me," the man started.

"This ain't funny. Call again and I'll kill you." I threatened while hanging up the phone. I took a deep breath and willed the tears in my eyes from falling.

I turned back around to see Bobby looking at me, his face unreadable. "I'm going out," I announced to him before I finally walked out the door to go to the grocery store.

After I finally got the milk and other supplies I needed, I couldn't go back to Bobby's. At least, not yet anyway. My cereal could wait.

I drove and drove until I reached this clearing that Dean had showed me when I was about eleven. I mean the real Dean, not whoever was calling me on the phone earlier. I got out and sat on the hood of my car. I loved this clearing. Dean would take me up here whenever he came around. We usually didn't talk that much, well he never talked that much. Being the annoying little sister I was, I would tell him about my day, my school, my friends, the aggravating boy who would pull my hair in class, and Dean would always just listen with a small smile on his face while looking at the stars. Every once in awhile he added in the occasional hum or agreement or when I told him about the boy who pulled my hair, laughed and told me it meant he liked me. He then got very serious and threatened to kill him if he ever looked at me again. Dean was my best friend. Sammy and him were the only ones that ever understood anything. But they're both gone now...

A call from my cell phone dragged me out of my thoughts. The caller I.D. said Bobby. "Yeah?" I answered.

"Come home now," he demanded before hanging up the phone. I rolled my eyes but obeyed as I got back in and started the long drive back home.


"Bobby?" I called as I opened the door. I was met with silence. "Bobby!" I looked in the kitchen while setting the grocery bags in my hands on the table. "Hello?"

"In here, Ray," Bobby finally answered. I began walking towards where I heard him.

"Hey, I bought chicken and I was thinking I could mak-" I was interrupted by another voice in the room.

"Hey kiddo," a man who looked like my brother, Dean said with a small smile on his face.

"Dean!" I exclaimed. He walked towards me with his arms open. As I leaned in for a hug, I twisted "Dean's" arm behind his back and shoved him up against a bookcase. "Listen, shapeshifter, demon, whatever the hell you are. You have 3 seconds to get the hell out of my brother before I kill you," I threatened. The monster opened its mouth to say something but I twisted its arm farther.

"One," I counted while I reached into my boot to grab my silver knife.

"Two," I counted again while pressing my knife to the back if its neck.

"C'mon kiddo, it's me, Dean. You know me, Ray." it begged. As much as I wanted it to be real, wanted it to be him, I knew it couldn't be. Dean died. Sam was there; I saw his body right before we buried it.

"Three" I said while raising my silver knife a little higher, getting ready to kill the cruel monster who would use my brother against me.

"Rachel!" Bobby finally intervened while pulling my arm back.

"Bobby! That..that...thing is not Dean. I need to kill it!" I screeched while trying to break free of Bobby's arms. I felt like crying and screaming but I couldn't do anything before "Dean" was gone. "Dean" raised his arms in surrender while reaching for Bobby's silver knife on one of the shelves. Silently he raised his hand towards his arm and with a slight roll of an eye placed a small cut on his skin. He looked up with hope in his eyes.

"Not a shapeshifter," he stated.

"Then you're a demon!" I shouted back at him. Please just go away, I can't do this, I thought to myself.

It went back to the shelf and picked up a vile of holy water before splashing into his face.

"He's not a demon either, Rachel. It's really Dean," Bobby promised while letting go of me. I took a few steps towards Dean and let out a few shaky breaths.

"Dean?" I questioned softly, asking for confirmation.

"It's me, kiddo," he assured with a small Dean-like smile on his face. A large smile came across mine as I closed the distance and gave my brother a hug. A few tears escaped as I clung to him. I had so many questions but all I cared about right now, was the feeling of home that overwhelmed me when we hugged.

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