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A Confession:

Are you a parrot in salaah?

A colleague of mine embraced Islam on saturday. After some weekend learning, on Monday he had a few questions for me. Among them, from his lessons, he couldn't grasp the meaning of Subhana Rabbi'al Azeem (what we read in ruku) and what we read coming out of ruku.

While we all know how to pronounce it beautifully, how many of us actually know the meaning? I had to embarrassingly admit that I was a parrot and went on to discuss other issues.

I quickly googled it for future replies. Interestingly, I brought this up in conversation with family, friends and colleagues over the next few days, only one person around me answered correctly.

So here goes, a list of most common adhkar (Zikr) + adhkar in salaah:
(Zikr means Remembrance (of Allah)).

Glory be to Allah

All praise is due to Allah

Theres is no diety/god but Allah

When starting salaah and moving to another posture:
Allahu akbar
Allah is the greatest!

Subhana Kal-lah hum-ma wabi hamdika wata-bara kasmuka wata'ala jad-duka wala ilaha ghyruka.
Glory be to you, O Allah, and all praises are due unto you, and blessed is your name and high is your majesty and none is worthy of worship but you.

A'uzu bil-lahi minash Shayta-nir-rajeem
I seek Allah's protection from Satan who is accursed.

Bismillah hir-Rahma nir-Raheem
In the name of Allah, the most Kind and the most Merciful.

In Ruku:
Subhana Rabbi'al Azeem
"Glory to my Lord the Exalted".

Stand up from Ruku:
Sami Allahu Liman Hamidah
"Allah listens to him who praises Him"

Rabbana lakal Hamd
"Oh our Lord, all praise is to you".

In Sajdah:
Subhana Rabbi yal A'ala
"Oh Allah glory be to you, the most high."

If we can remember the english meaning and understand it while reading, Insha Allah, our salaah will be more meaningful...
Please pass on for reward for you and me in dunya & aakhira. Ameen

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