Chapter 75

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** Sign Language will be in ITALICS  **


Kirstie was awaken to some movement in her room. She opened her eyes but the room was dark. All she could see was someone standing by her bed.

She quickly reached for her lamp on the night stand, turning it on. She was relieved to see Patches by her bed, but he was unzipping his onesie.

"Patches, Sweetie? What are you doing?" She asked, sitting up in bed.

"A dragon onesie? Really?" Patch looked at her with raised eyebrows.

She giggled, covering her mouth with her hands.

"Sorry. Patches loves them." She grinned as she watched him undress.

He crawls into bed and sits down beside her with a serious look on his face.

"Speaking of Patches. I need to ask you something." Patch said as Kirstie turned to face him.

"Alright. Sounds serious." She said, taking him by the hand.

"Does Patches ever talk about me? Or lets you know in some way that he knows I exist?" Patch asked with a wondering look.

"Not really. No, wait a second, he did know that this wasn't him in this picture that Kevin took at Christmas. I seen him staring at it and I asked him if it was him in the picture and he said 'No, Pat.' He called you Pat." She told him as she pointed to the picture.

"Kirst, I see things that he does. It's like, I'm standing back watching him. I can't speak or move, but I watch. I saw him picking you flowers. Did he?" He asked.

"Yea, he picked me a bouquet of flowers from the yard yesterday." She smiled at the thought.

"That worries me." He said before running a hand over his face.

"Why, Honey? What's wrong?" She asked, rubbing him on the arm.

"If I can see what he does, who's to say that he can't see what I do." He states, raising his eyebrows.

She stares at him confused at first until she realized what he was talking about.

"Oh my God." She whispered. 

He nodded when he knew she realized what he was referring to.

"You're thinking he might can see us making love? Oh my God!" She said putting a hand over her mouth."Then what are we suppose to do if he can see what you're doing?" She asked with wide eyes.

"There's really nothing we can do." Patch said with a shrug. "Maybe you should talk to him but then I don't know if that's a good idea, since he hasn't said anything."

"Maybe I can talk to Kevin and see what he thinks we should do." Kirstie suggested. "Patches doesn't question anything. He doesn't ask why his hair is tied back or why he may be wearing different clothes."

"I would say that maybe he's totally oblivious to what we are doing. But considering that he's been raped several times, I don't know what to think." Patch said shaking his head.

Patch laid down pulling Kirstie into his arms.

"Maybe we should just let sleeping dogs lie." She giggled when Patch gave her a puzzled look. "What I mean is, maybe we should just leave it alone."



(((( TIVI ))))

(((( TIDAM ))))

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