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The wolf named spirit

one day when i was walking home from school a kid pushed me and i fell, i felt a jolt of wind and then something weird happened when i was trying to pick my books up i noticed that my hands had turned into paws i zoned out thinking about what just happened i heard screaming. Then i looked up then i could just see the face of the boy who pushed me stunned. I was thinking to myself what just happened then i thought he hurt me why not return the favor?

my claws sunk into his chest and his throat. I put his dead body on my back and ran into the forest scared that i ever did that. I placed the dead body under a tree and i left him there., quickly i calmed down and i felt a gust of wind and i was turned back. quickly i ran back to get my things that got pushed out of my hand and returned on the walk home.. When i got home my mom noticed the blood on my hands she said what is that and i said oh nothing just marker from school. i ran to the sink and cleaned off the blood. that night was a full moon and that night i woke up on the table. when my mom came upstairs to wake me up she noticed that i was there on the table she gave me a grin and woke me up. My name is spirit and this is my story. Hi my name is spirit i'm the new kid in school i don't know anyone and i have to be honest i'm pretty scared. when it was time for recess i met a girl named reeve she said have you ever woke up on the table before? i answered ya why? she said you know what you are right? i said no what am i a human i chuckled. she answered with a no, your a werewolf. i said really she said ya wanna be in my pack? i said ya sure why not. we kept on walking by the fence picking up squishy rocks. she introduced me to the pack members and well they tried to attack me. when they tried to claw at my face i sliced their face with my claws. they whimpered and backed off. so i kept walking with the alpha reeve. when the bell rang i said ok, see ya tomorrow bye reeve! she said bye spirit!!!!

when i got home i ate steak and went to bed the next morning my mom could not find me anywhere turns out i was in a tree!!!!!

when my mom found out that i was acting

weird she new that something was up. that night she asked me if i was ok i responded with a ya i'm fine why? she said because you're acting strange coming home with bloody hands and stuttering. i said ya is that not why normal school girls do hehehe? she said oh i guess so and i say ok so now you came to your senses ok? i said goodnight and i feel asleep and thought why did i not tell her it's just gonna happen again where she asks again. why did i not tell her later my dad asked the same questions as my mom did. so after school i ended it all. i left home......... later that night the pack had a meeting and i was sitting in the back i started to whimper a little the pack looked at me and pointed their paw at the cave. so i walked in the cave are they planning something or do they want me gone? i lied down a wolf named dusk clawed my side. i flew up off the ground and started to attack dusk.. dusk made me turn back into a human the pack came into the cave and started to growl at me i looked up at them and grinned and ran out of the cave. i was freezing and i ran home then i climbed into my window i took a jacket and a pair of jeans and ran back into the woods. i put the jacket on and the pair of jeans on. i was hungry so i ran back to the pack the alpha named reeve stood protecting the cave and their landmark so i put energy on me and i turned back limping to reeve. reeve took me to a big cave and was making a potion she spreaded it on my arm and my wounded places. i smiled at her and she smiled back then she said " don't let them hurt you you need to fight back let the inter wolf come out of you, you can't just hide you need to start fighting back". i nodded and walked slowly out of the cave. i looked back into the cave reeve was still meditating and making potions. i saw a wolf named eli he walked into the cave and snarled at reeve and threw his claws at her face. i ran into the cave and started to attack eli. eli threw his claws at my face and reeve and i lied on the cold ground waiting for someone to help us. like 10 minutes later dusk walked into the cave he saw reeve and i on the floor and he ran to us and started trying to heal us he said in a low voice who did this? we whispered eli and he started to heal us we sprang to our feet and then we ran to attack eli known as devil wolf. me dusk and reeve were looking for devil wolf and once we found him we started forming a plan. Dusk said ok reeve you take center spirit you take left and i will take right. once the plan was formed we all started to run in on eli. eli jumped to his feet and started to run i tackled him and started to bite his neck. when i jumped off of him dusk said good job and so did reeve i said thanks. eli whimpered and ran off. all three of us started to walk to the cave. when we got to the cave we all lied down waiting for morning to come. when morning came we knew i would have a bounty on me. Dusk said ya. i'm gonna switch back and go home. i said i can not. they all said why i said well i ran away. Dusk said ok, just come home with me. I said ok and walked home with dusk. reeve followed and walked to dusks house with me he said ok guys just climb in my window ok? we both said ok. and then me and reeve climbed into the window wow his room could use some cleaning. Reeve said ya it does and then we both started to clean. When dusk came into his room he said wow you guys don't have to clean you know? we said ya and then we all played Xbox. the next morning we all climbed out of dusks window. Then we darted to the woods. We slowly crept up on a fawn and the mother of the fawn we took down the fawn, Me and reeve ate the fawn while dusk chased the mother fawn. soon dusk came back and dropped the deer by our faces and we said " are you going to eat you have not ate for a week?" he said umm no i'm not hungry. We said ok whatever. Then he sat down watching us eat the fawn and the mother deer. when we finished we all walked to the cave. When we arrived at the cave we found five pups sleeping and no mother to take care of them. We all locked at each other. We all adopted the pups. I said ok so what are we going to name them? Dusk said ok two of them are gonna be named sky and winter i said ok i said two of them are gonna be named lucky and found Reeve said ok i'm naming three violet, pumpkin and rose. we all said wow we have pups we all walked in the cave and started playing with all the pups. We fell asleep and we heard whimpers and then we woke up and all the pups were gone! We raced out the cave and found all the pups dead gash marks on their neck and on their side. We all sat around the dead pups. Dusk said we need to leave this area now. we all agreed. we all ran out of the valley and into the treetops. we stopped to catch our breath. we all turned and formed. we all gasped and ran home i climbed in my window and took some more clothes. That's

when the fight begin, my sister walked into my room and saw me she said where have you been? i said i have been outside where i belong. she said where you belong? Then she said you belong home, with your family. Not outside in the wild you could get hurt. I said you have no idea i can protect myself you have no idea what i am or what i'm capable of. She said i'm not letting you go! I had no choice i bit her neck and threw her by my door and ran out my window. I mumbled you did not move pay the price. Reeve and dusk soon were watching me run toward them. They said did you kill anyone? I said ya i had to. My 5 year old sister just died because of my actions. I'm a monster. what have i done? I ran back inside and took her body. I made it so she can't be a monster like us. i buried her body in a patch of roses. Thats where she belonged. she did not deserve to die she did not deserve any of this. Why would i have to kill her? She would not move i repeated in my head "" she did not move she did not move she did not move"" Once i said that like 100 million times i felt a little better. We all sat around the death of my sister's grave and i saw that dusk had a tear running down his face. I looked at him and put my paw on his shoulder and said it's ok she is in a better place now. He said ya i know just she did not deserve to die she did not deserve any of this. that night we were hunting. i saw a sheep and i raced towards it. All of a sudden a old man came out behind the tree. I slowly walked towards him he said hi puppy! i thought why would he be talking to me? I raised my paw and he handed me a piece of meat. i sniffed the meat and lowered my paw and started to eat the unknown meat. I did not know him and then he pulled out a gun on me. Thinking quick i gashed his throat open and left him under the tree. I ran off quick and raced towards my pack., I said i did not know our kind could be so rude. Dusk said ya but we are not their kind anymore. I noded and ran off to the stream full of fish. They followed me. I caught some fish and said here i picked it up with my mouth and tossed it over to reeve and dusk. They ate each fish that i threw to them. When night came we slept under a tree and Dusk kept guard. He looked at me and reeve, He said i did good work he took our weapons our food supply and left. In the morning i woke up. And said where is dusk? Reeve said he left us i said what! Reeve said ya he is gone. I started to cry and reeve came over to hug me. I took the hug and i said thx.. She looked at me and I looked back. she said i will not let anyone hurt you. I said i won't let anyone hurt you either. A hunter came and shot reeve in the head. He ended up shooting me after i killed him. The moral of this story is only let your friends guide your way not people you barely know.


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