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J'lee pov

I went downstairs and saw james watching sponge bob square pants (wich james normally he does not watch ) any way I went to go ssit on his lap and he said that I look smexy so I started to blush but I his it then he started kissing my neck and we went to bed and ha started kissing my neck and I kissed him and I pulled and the next thing I knowviwas asleep.(end of j'lee pov)
James pov

In the morning me and j'lee were sleeping on on the couch I slowly lifted her head and went to the bathroom and took off my clothes and hoped in to the  shower for 15mins then got out the bath room and got some clothes and my airforce ones and went down stairs and got in the car to go and meet jasmine my ex girlfriend. When I got to her front door I knoked and jasmine was in her bra and panties and I went in and I saw her smexy curves and she turned me on then I followed her to her bed room then  see asked me do you like what you see and I said yeah babe then she got on top off me and kissed me I bit her bottom lip asking for an entrance the she opened her mouth and my tongue explored her mouth  the I pulled away and I told her I have to go home.  When I got home I saw j'lee watching a movie on the he couch then I went up stair s and took a nap(end of James pov)
J'lees pov

I saw James walk in to the house  I said to my self why is he so damm late he must have went to his friends house  any way I continued to watch family guy then decided to go to bed

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