Hurtfull truth :(

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"Why are they all looking at us?" I ask James

"I think that they thought we were going to brake up after you know what."

"Hey love birds:. Jumps Marilyn in

"Stop it love birds is a little bit I don't know I just don't like it sow don't say it again."

"Okay so see you later love birds". And she ran so fast that I wasn't able to grab her on time she is so going to regret this then Carla and Martha the popular girls in school as I've heard came playing with their hair

"Hey James what are you doing with this girl". Carla

"I'd like to say this girl has a name and mine is Bella "

"Sorry wait no I'm not plus I wasn't talking to you"

"Hhhhh Bella is actually my girlfriend. "

"Wait what you chose her over one of us". Says Martha in amusement

"Yeh yeh I did"

"I can't believe this". They both say in union and they flip their hair they are so self centered



"I want to ask you are you really not bothered for whom I am "

"Of course not plus I'm actually like you sooo:

"Yeh right just wanted to ask"

A couple of ocward silent moments past then the bell rings

"Lets go to class I hate these silent moments". Says James

"So do I lets go now"

In class

"Hey guys what are you doing". Asks Jake

"Nothing you"

"I just dared Drake to stay silent for the hole day and if he loses he will buy me ice cream"

"Please we are talking about Drake here he won't last for five minutes look. Hey Drake what are you doing"

"Hey Bella...... you knew about the dare didn't you"

"Yes  I did my dear friend yes I did." And I give him a big smile

"I will take my revenge you'll see."

"We will see about that"

After the first two periods (English and math)

In the third period which was physics boringggg someone very familiar comes in  

"Nooo what are you doing here" .I scream in fear

"Bella I I need your help". And then he collaps on the floor

In the witch hospital at 12:30

"What? Where am I ?"

"You're in the hospital so tell me what do you want"

"Oh dear is this the way you treat your father after he finally was able to brake his curse"

"What... You broke the spell"


"But... But how"

"The curse says that you will become one of the dark witches if you loose the person you love"

"Yes and you lost mom so"

"No actually yes well I lost her as in her body but she is still here"

"What?? Okay this is really confusing"

"Your mom is a ghost"

"What there is no such thing as a ghost"

"As you thought that there is no such thing as witches  okay look Caroline sweat heart please come out she needs to see you to believe what I'm saying "

And in seconds there was a ghost a freaking ghost floating in front of me

"I think I'm loosing it"

"No no you're not I'm actually a ghost you see strong witches like when they die they become ghosts and I didn't know that until it actually happened to me and from that day and I never left you're site "


"I... I can make myself invisible"

"So you were spying on me "

"No I'm your mother... Okay maybe I was but I wanted to be part of life which I know I couldn't but now maybe I have a chance"

"No no I ... I can't this is too much too much for me to handle a I need to take some air"

"Please sweetheart"

"Don't call me sweetheart yesterday you were trying to make me evil or something just leave me alone I just want to live  a normal life"

"I'm afraid that's not possible"

"I know it's not and that's all because of you two now just leave me alone". And I take my brome angrily and leave that faking stupid building without even caring to what my friends were saying but then I find James waiting for me and can't help it but cry on his shoulder

"It's okay I know it's hard don't worry"

"She... She was their all the time and didn't say anything and he... He called me sweetheart"

"Well actually he can he's your father"

"You're not helping are you on his side"

"No no I'm always on yours even if sometimes you're wrong like right now I'll be there"

"Thanks...wait heyyyy I'm not wrong on this one okay what if you were in my shoes what would you do"

"You're right I can't argue but just don't do anything you will regret later okay "

"Okay "

"Promis   me  you'll think about it "

"Okay "


"Okay I promis  thanks for being there for me"


"I love you".and I give him a gentle hug

"I love you too" . And he hugs me too

So hope you like how the story is going. Please vote and comment

Love you ;)

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