Chapter 20

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"Bye, Harry." I smiled, giving him a kiss. "Bye. You'll Skype me or something, right?" He asked, pulling away. "Of corse." I smiled again, getting on the bus. "Hey! It's fine! You've got us!" Ashton smiled. "And me!" Lennon screamed from her bunk. I laughed, and climbed into my bunk, before pulling out my laptop, and skyping Harry.

"Hey..." I smiled. "Hi." Harry smiled back. We sat in silence after that, because that was enough.

"Maybe we should hang up... I think we're both tired." Harry laughed. "No... I don't want to." I whispered, closing my eyes. "I love you." Harry whispered. "I love you too." I smiled, falling asleep.

"Hey..." Lennon said, shaking me awake. "Hmm?" I mumbled. "We're at a gas station. Go get on Harry's bus." She ordered."But what about-" " It was a mutual decision. I'll be fine. The boys will be fine. Just go." She interrupted. I nodded, and slipped my fuzzy flip flops on, and got off the bus.

"Hi boys!" I smiled, as Zayn, Niall, Louis, and Liam gave me a hug. "Harry's in his bunk... I think he's asleep." Louis smiled, patting my head. I love Louis... In that big brother kind of way. "Thanks, Loubear." I smiled back.

"Hey, babe?" I whispered into Harry's bunk. "Flore? I thought you were supposed to be on the other bus..." He yawned. "Lennon woke me up and told me to come over here." I whispered, opening the curtain to the bunk opposite Harry. "Come in here." Harry smiled. I got in his bunk and he held me. I must say, I was glad to be back in his arms. "I love you."I smiled, kissing under his lips. "I love you too." He chuckled.

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