Mr. Mullins returns

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The chapter is dedicated to the (Thetomatoqueen)

Mr. Mullins (the father) pov

"Alright here are your bags, sir" the airplane clerk said

"Thankyou, have a nice day!" I faked smiled and walked away

"You to!" She responded back

He went outside into the cold brisk air, it was winter and it was around midnight. "I'm arriving home only after 1 day, I finished everything in one day, a bunch of lazy asses I tell you!" Mr. Mullins said to himself.

Mr. Mullins went to his car and drove off. "She better, have done something right!"

Mr. Mullins pulled up to the drive way, and went to the door and went inside. The lights were off and it was quiet, just like he liked it. He went up the stairs and changed, got comfortable and went to his daughters room. What awaited him was not what he was expecting. There his daughter layed on the bed with 2 men. "WHAT THE FUCK, I WAS GONE FOR A DAY AND I COME HOME TO THIS SHIT, YOU LITTLE WHORE!!" amys father yelled. The three sprang up, amy shook in fear and screamed "who are you two men?" Amy yelled and ran to her father's side. She winked telling them to lie with her."were your two biggest fans" Hidan yelled. Hidans father raised a fist to them " What the fuck do you think your doing,I should call the cops!" Amys father yelled. Hidan and kakuzu jumped out the window and landed on the tree and took off.

Amys pov

Hidan and kakuzu jumped out the window onto the tree. They were gone and I was left alone with my father. "Who were they?" Amys father demanded "I don't know!" Amy sniffles and wiped her tears "alright, I belive you, did they touch you!?" Amys father yelled "" amy stuttered.

"Fine! Go to bed, make me brefeast at 3, got to go to work early!" He said angrily

"Y..y..yes sir" amy said

Once amys father left after smacking her a few times, and yelling at her for getting a b- on her test, he left. Amy cried, he smacked her to hard on the same spot over and over.

Amy decided to stay up and get ready for school it was 2 am when she finished getting ready and went down stairs and made her father breakfast and left. She wasn't Hungry, she had to get the art project to school before her father saw it and smash it to a million pices.

At school

She dropped off the project and headed to the library for a new book.

She was looking around in the peaceful quietness until she found her book "the finisher" she mumbled, she checked it out and was about to leave until she heard an "un" by the back of the library, she walked as quietly as she could towards the end of the library, the wispering got Lowder "Hidan and deidara, shut up!" A deep voice yelled/whispered amy was on the other side of the bookshelf while she saw about 10 people on the other side "Hidan, kakuzu, and deidara you 3 missed the meeting yesterday, why?" A deep voice whispered "I was at amys place until 7 or 8 finishing the art project we were assigned, un" deidara said "we were busy doing something as well" kakuzu said "what would that be!" The voice said "we were just fucking goofing off, fucking happy !" Hidan yelled "shut up hidan were in the library, un" deidara whispered/yelled "alright but don't forget to go to the mee......" amy left knowing that they were going to start leaving. She went to a shelf farthest from them knowing she wouldn't make it out of the library without being seen and being accused of easedropping and then takeing off. She pretended to be looking at books. "amy,un?" Deidara said.

Ashley turned around and saw hidan and everyone else he was with. "D..d..deidara" she stuttered "what are you doing here so early,un?" Deidara said getting angry thinking she was easedropping " the!" Amy stuttered getting very nervous becuase everyone was looking at her. Deidara nodded and left with some red head and the rest followed. The only people who stayed was hidan and kakuzu "are you ok, did he hit you or anything?" Kakuzu said grabbing amys face and staring at her cheek "Um...he smacked my face a few times but I'm ok" amy said, they both nodded saying they needed to do something and left leaving amy alone, she grabbed her cheeks and blushed, once she realized she was standing there doing nothing she left. What the three didn't know was that one of the akatsuki member over heard everything.

Time skip brought to you by tobi's screaming


Amy walked to the tree were she usally goes but saw people there and just decided to go Somewere else.

She went to the roof, a few people were there but she found an empty spot and ate alone. No one bothered her which she loved.


"Finally art, un!" Deidara said

"Yes, all we have to do is paint the clay and dry it and we will finish" amy said.

Deidara nodded and they got busy with there project.

Time skip to end of class

"Finally finished painting, un!" Deidara said, looking at the master piece. Deidara wanted to make it exploded so badly but amy would probly want it whole. Deidara looked over at amy and noticed how nice she looked with clay and paint all over her. He smirked getting an idea. Deidara sneakily got paint on his hand and walked quietly as he could to amy.

"Hey amy un!" Deidara said while smirking

"What is it deidara?" Amy said nervously

Deidara rubbed the paint on amys face in a playful manner. She smirked and grabbed some paint and rubbed it on his face, they went at it, creating a paint war. Deidara ran over to amy....but he couldn't and ended up slipping and landing on amy.

Amys eyes widen, deidara was on her and axidently grabbed her boobs and kissed her. Both of them shot up and quickly apologised while the other students sinkered. Luckily the teacher ran out of the room earlier for something. Sasori sat there smirking the whole time watching deidara and amy play with paint.

End of school

Amy was so embarrassed, 2 reasons, the students were looking at her becuase she was covered in paint and 2 there were two huge red hand prints on her white shirt on her boobs, 3. Deidara stole her first kiss.

Amy started walking off of school property until she heard hidan and kakuzus voices. She grabbed her bag and covered her chest with it.

"Hey amy, how was your day?" Hidan said in a bored tone

"F..f..fine!" She said with the reddest face possible

"You sure?" Kakuzu said

Amy only hugged her bag closers. Kakuzu and hidan noticed, hidan being the idiot he was decided to rip off the bag from her chest. She squeaked out in surprise. Hidan and kakuzu were shocked and hidan sorta laughed but realized she didn't do this to her self.

"Who did this to you?" Hidan said getting pissed

"Its was an accident, he didn't mean to, we were playing with paint and he slipped and fell on me and took my first kiss and grabbed my boobs" ashley said quickly while tearing up



"That fucking bastard!" Hidan yelled

"It was an accident, hidan please it wasn't his fault"

"Alright" he sighed out

"How did you handle the situation?" Kakuzu asked

"It took all of my will power not to scream and cry!" She said

Kakuzu nodded, before they parted ways kakuzu and hidan gave her there numbers and told her if they needed them they would come and get her, she nodded and left. While she was walking she couldn't help but feel someone was watching her. She shook it off and walked home, wondering if her dad was there yet and about deidara.

Sorry the chapters short.....please forgive me (T^T)

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