Chapter 3: the fight for life

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" when you get through the portal and land run, my world has many of those drones it is extremely dangerous but all eyes will be on you, so you should be ok" you said opening the portal Gandalf lead the hobbits in then Aragon and Legolas followed ...

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" when you get through the portal and land run, my world has many of those drones it is extremely dangerous but all eyes will be on you, so you should be ok" you said opening the portal Gandalf lead the hobbits in then Aragon and Legolas followed you were left with the dwarf called Gimli. "hey it will be ok" at that moment war ships few of of the sky sending down gaurds to protect the people of middle earth! 

You walked into your world with Gimli who began to jog Gimli in front of you. A few helicopters and airplanes strapped with guns flash lights on the fellowship. That is when you transformed into your true form, with wings! " move move move...(y/n) get in the air we need you to take down a few titans and maybe a few drones we are dying out here where have you been" The general yelled. guns were firing you could tell the hobbits were scard and so was every on else! Bombs went off you flew in the air and started to fire at the titans, one by one you killed them in seconds. 

Suddenly guns fired at you, you flew out the sky,  you were spinning then rolled and stood up. You took out your electrical knives and began to fight foot soldiers. There were about 50 of them coming at you all at oce with guns, you swiftly doged most of the bullets, but getting hit by a few. You jumped on one of the soldiers and flipped him over stabbing him, taking his gun stared firing at the others. You ran out of bullets so you stared to fight with your electrical daggers, Taking down the whole army!

You saw the fellowship and the gaurds staring at you then you turned around to see yourself in a broken shield. On the side of your neck there were a few markings. 

Long ago you and a few other warriors got maching tattoos, that represented that you had the curse of acceeles. We did this so that if we ever saw each other, we would help them on matter the situation. However when people found out the killed each and every on of us you were the only one who survived! Now that the gaurds saw the mark things wpcould get alittle tough, but you promised you'd protect the fellowship and that is what you focused on.

" take care of them" you radioed the general before running into battle again! The NLR would never let you protect the fellowship so it was pointless. The bombs continued to go off getting them back in their own mind and getting the fellowship to safty. You ran along side the fellowship watching them get inside the building when legolas got shot in the leg and arm! The gaurds pulled Aragon back and left legolas for died. More louder gun shots were heard. The gaurds dragged the fellowship into the building and locking the doors. You pulled up you hoodie and ran towards Legolas he was fading fast, you got him into the building were and locked the doors the nurse rushed over taking him from you. Aragon ran to him but you stopped him before he could slow the nurses down. " legolas Noooo what's going on where are we what's happening?!" Aragon was having a panic attack, then the gaurds opened the door to allow lord Elrond and a few others who were screaming from fear at the sight of the oppotilic world! The gaurds rushed towards you with guns as they readyed them selves to fire. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2016 ⏰

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