Chapter Nine

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A/N: Please keep leaving your feedback guys I love it so much! Hope you like the next chapter (:

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“By the way, ‘Homoeroticus’ isn’t actually a word.” Stiles smirked over at Jackson.

Jackson let out a low growl in his throat before he spun around to Stiles, his face twisted in the shape of his wolf, large canines shining in a thin veil of saliva.

In a brief instant Scott was standing with his arm across Stiles’ body and Derek had grabbed Jackson by his shirt and was slamming him down into the dirt floor. He crouched down and held him into the ground with his hands firmly on his chest.

Boyd stood beside Derek, ready to move if Jackson broke away and Lydia let out a startled gasp. Erica grabbed Lydia’s wrist, never taking her eyes off Jackson.

“Like I said…” Derek said through gritted teeth. “You’re… not… ready!” He growled as Jackson struggled against him, his human face breaking through his wolf mask, covered in sweat.

He panted but didn’t struggle, his eyes were frantic. “What’s going on?”

Derek sighed and pulled his hands off Jackson’s chest. He scampered up and walked over to Lydia who took a step back and looked at him with warning eyes.

“What?” He said.

“How about we vote on it?” Derek looked around at his pack a little cockily. “Who votes that we chain Jackson up for the night?”

Almost instantly every hand in the clearing shot straight up. Jackson threw his head back in annoyance and Erica looked over at Stiles with a roll of her eyes.

“You don’t get a vote Stiles.” She said with a sweet grin that was far from sincere.

“Hey if Lydia gets a vote then so do I.” He said with a hint of attitude in his voice.

“I never said that she got one either.” Erica said with a snide look to Lydia who shot back a glare.

“And who said that either of us care what you think?” Lydia fluttered her long eyelashes back at Erica and pouted her lips.

“I’m the alpha and I say who’s a part of this pack and who isn’t.” Derek said, cutting through their bitter words. “Lydia is with Jackson and Stiles is a friend to the pack, so they’re both included in this.”

Erica bit her tongue and folded her arms. Stiles felt a little let down that Derek hadn’t said the same thing about him that he had about Lydia. Wasn’t he with Derek? Or did he just not like to admit it to anyone that he’s actually with him?

“So what? That’s it? I don’t need to be chained up for the night!” Jackson said forcefully.

“We all had to do it our first time too, and the second. It takes a while for you to be able to control yourself in a full moon.” Scott said.

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