Truth or Dare: Draco & Blaise style

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summary: Draco is suffering from Harry issues and Blaise is tired of seeing the man he loves go crazy! He has the perfect idea to fix him!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but this story line and everything thats under my name. I have no affiliation with the original HP series. otherwise it would still be going and you would know!

Warnings: this is a slash story. Meaning Male/male. dont like? dont read :)

Alright here we go!


"Please Would you just shut up Pansy!" Draco glared at the girl sitting across from him

"But Draco! Its True!"

"Does it look like I give a rat's ass? NO!"

"Liar! You know tha-" Blaise cut her short

"Pansy, if Dray says shut up then shut up. You know he doesn't like talking about H-" Draco gave a quick grunt and glared at blaise. Blaise pretended to clear his throat, "His, umm…his issue."

Draco gave a sigh and dropped his head on the table. "I hate that I have to go through with this. I've been putting up with his shit since day one here at this blasted school. If only he had of never met that damned Weasley everything would still be dandy."

Blaise stared at his friend. 'I hate watching him go through this day by day.' Blaise thought to himself. Pansy caught the sight in Blaise's eyes as he watched the boy stare at Draco. She knew of his feelings for Draco. It was quite obvious.

Pansy stood up and gave a completely fake yawn. "Well, I'm gonna go…somewhere that's not here."

Blaise glanced up at the girl standing above him. "Blaise, I advise you to do it and get it over with.." He watched her take a slim vile out of her pocket and pour its contents into Draco's cup. Giving the girl a curious look she moved her finger showing him the red letters on the vile which read 'Vertuaserum' before offering him some. Taking the vile out of her hand he stared at it and pondered over the subject. Looking at draco he poured the remaining contents down his throat silently gagging the aftertaste.

"Well, I'm leaving."

"Bye Pansy."

"Dray, I le-"


Pansy stared at the back of the blonde boy's head. "Blaise if this doesn't work im gonna kill him." Blaise chuckled before nodding. Draco picked his head up to look at the two only to find Pansy walking one way and Blaise staring the other way.

"Blaise, what is she talking about?" He took a sip of his drink. Blaise gave a huge sigh before taking a huge gulp of his drink. "Blaise?"

"Do you want to play truth or dare with me?"

"Yes." Draco stopped and stared at his cup. "I mean…yes."

Blaise snickered before downing the rest of his drink. Motioning for Draco to follow him he got up and started walking towards their room. Draco stared after him before quickly following him.

"All right, who's going to go first?" Draco asked as he closed and locked the door behind him."

"Truth or Dare." Blaise stated sitting cross-legged on the floor.


"Wow, very brave. Ok, I dare you to take your shirt off."

"Well that's not straight forward or anything." Draco laughed as he lifted his shirt over his head throwing into the basket by his bed. "All right my turn, truth or dare."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2011 ⏰

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