Persephone Jackson

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Persephone Jackson

I have a couple problems with this unless it's a joke. Here are the main ones:

1) Perseus Jackson is a guy. He is not suddenly a girl because you want to ship him with a guy. He's not an actual fish. He doesn't just changed gender cause he can

2) It messes things up. Percy is named Perseus because his mom wanted to have a happy ending. So Perseus Jackson. Persephone the Goddess was kidnapped and forced to marry. Yes they came to a compromise but still... Not exactly happy.

3) No Percabeth

4) He/She is the hottest girl in the entire camp

5) the entire thing with Rachel would make less sense sine part of her motives are

Side) Also I feel like if Percy was a girl he/she would be a hunter. Ya know the whole thing how Thalia is a hunter to not be the child of the great prophecy? Percy could've done the same thing if he was a she.

Well that's my opinion yours?

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