Chapter 4

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"Hey! Harvey!"

Harry sighed, hearing the familiar voice, and turned around, bagged lunch in hand. He saw Niall standing up, in his varsity jacket, waving his arms around. He blushed a little at all the attention it caused them and Niall shouted, "Harvey! Over here!"

Harry looked at the table and noticed all the jocks staring at him. He felt the pressure and saw Louis in the corner of his eye, watching him. He bit his lip, standing tall, and walked confidently over to the table. Niall offered a toothy grin and said, "I saved you a spot! Right by me!"

Harry offered him a smile as a thanks, and sat down. He looked up and saw Louis smirking at him, impressed. He looked down, blushing a little, and opened his lunch. Niall looked at his lunch and pointed at the sandwich, "What's that?"

Harry said, "Peanut butter and jelly. I have fruit snacks, a juice pouch, an apple, and some crackers." Niall gave him a bewildered look and Harry asked, "What?"

Niall said, "That's all you're eating? That's a snack compared to my meal! Not even!"

He burst into laughter along with all the other jocks. Harry looked confused and said, "Well of course you eat more than I do."

Niall stopped laughing, giving him an edgy look and asked, "Are you calling me fat?"

Harry paled a bit and said rushed, "N-No! I just meant, since you're an athlete, you have a faster metabolism and you burn all the calories off much faster than I would! Since I don't do sports, I need less calories!"

Niall studied him for awhile, Harry's heart pounding in his chest. Niall then burst into more laughter, the table following in suit once again. Harry looked confused and asked, "What? What's so funny?"

This made Niall laugh harder, filling the cafeteria, making them fall silent for awhile. That didn't seem to faze Niall. He reached over, plopping fries into his mouth saying, "You're funny. I like you."

Harry seemed even more confused as he watched Niall shove fries in his mouth. He asked, "What did I say that was so funny?"

Niall ate a bit more before saying, "I already knew I eat more than you. I was joking earlier. You should've seen your face! It looked like you thought I was gonna beat you up!" He dipped another fry in ketchup.

Harry said, "Oh..." under his breath and proceeded to eat his lunch.

Louis watched Harry from his spot on the wall across the lunch room. His fingers twitched, wanting a cigarette. He looked around and noticed no teachers paying attention, so he walked out the door into the courtyard. He pulled a cigarette out and a lighter.

As he lit it, he heard the door open. He flicked his eyes back and saw Liam. He put his lighter away and took a small drag asking, "So you heard?"

Liam leaned against the wall across of Louis and crossed his arms over his chest. He nodded and said, "Yup. Are you really gonna drag Harry into this?"

Louis took awhile to answer, taking a couple drags. He said after a moment of silence, " I have no choice. Not unless I want someone dead."

Liam nodded and looked down as Louis took another long drag. Liam thought and said, "You think this fight with Leon's gang is ridiculous at all?"

Louis said with smoke dripping in his words, "Of course. We're the two biggest gangs in the state. We should be working together to form into one powerful gang. But they're to focused on the fact that they're rivals from childhood to realize that."

Liam nodded and watched the flowers sway in the late fall breeze, saying, "True. I wish they could see that. Wouldn't need to get you involved so much."

Louis nodded in agreement and said, "I just hope Harry cooperates. Because if he doesn't, Ryan will make him one way or another."

Liam narrowed his eyes in thought and drummed his fingers against his biceps. He said, "What if you don't tell him? Just change him slowly. How long do you have?"

Louis thought it over and said, "A week."

Liam nodded and said, "That's perfect. Slowly change him into our ways and then bring him to Ryan, he'll find out his purpose then. No need to tell him now."

Louis nodded slowly, still thinking. He stomped out his cigarette and got off the wall. He said, "Perfect. Thanks Liam."

As Louis walked in, Liam called out to him, "No problem."

Louis looked around the lunch room looking for Harry. He checked the jock's table but saw Harry's seat was vacant. No food or bag was left. Louis frowned and searched the cafeteria with a quick scan, coming up blank.

He walked over to the table, causing them to fall silent. He looked to Niall and asked, "Where did Harry go?"

Niall looked confused and asked, "Harry?"

Louis nodded to the seat next to him. Niall said, "Oh! Harvey!" Louis rolled his eyes and he continued, "He said something about getting a book to study for some test."

Louis nodded and stood up, walking away. He walked into the hall, and towards where Harry's locker was. He was thinking of how to approach Harry when he heard a little yelp and laughter down the hall.

He stopped walking and listened more. He heard a little bang, something being hit along metal. It was followed by more laughter. He heard a faint, "Please. I don't have any."

He recognized it as Harry and began walking down the hall again, faster. He finally reached the hall and looked down to see Harry being held up against the locker by some guy. The guy had to two floaters watching behind him. Harry was lifted off the ground and shoved into the locker again.

The guy holding him said, "You expect me to believe you don't have any money on you? What'd you buy your lunch with? Or do you get free lunch cause you're such a loser?"

Harry looked away from the guy, squeezing his eyes shut saying, "I already told you I brought a lunch! I always do!"

The guy tilted his head to the side and said, "Oh really? And you expect me to believe that load of bull?"

Harry squeaked out, "You don't have to believe it or not, because it's the truth! I know it is!"

The guy laughed and pushed him harder into the locker, causing Harry to squeal in pain a bit. Louis' hands clenched into fists at his side. The guy said, "Well I believe you're lying."

One of his floaters said, "Just get on with it Nick, don't waste your time on this nerd. Take his money already."

This time Harry looked up and said a bit louder, "I told you I don't have any mon- Ow!"

The guy, Nick, pushed him more into the locker, causing Harry to flinch. He said, "And I told you enough with the bull! Where's your money?!"

"I don't know if you're deaf, mentally challenged or just fucking retarded, maybe all three, but he said he didn't have any."

All four heads turned to see the voice of who spoke. Louis stood at the end of the hall, hands in his pockets, completely relaxed. He had his eyes fiercely set on the guy holding up Harry. Nick narrowed his eyes at him and said, "Who the hell are you?"

Louis began walking up to them, slowly, saying, "I'm Louis, but you'll soon find me as your worst nightmare if you don't let him go."

Nick laughed and tilted his head to the side again and asked, "How many people did you use that on, Louis?"

Louis shrugged and said, "Plenty, but they're not around to tell the tale. I am." He took his hands out of his pockets, cracking his knuckles.

The floaters backed up, and Nick looked back to them. He looked to Louis and let go of Harry. Harry stumbled on his feet and looked over to Louis surprised. Louis smiled, pleased.

Nick said, "Not for long you won't. You're part of Ryan's gang aren't you?" Louis froze a little at the mention of his gang but nodded. Nick continued, "I'm apart of Leon's."

Louis stopped for a moment, examining the situation. Three members of Leon's gang. One nerd. They were recruiting Harry into their group. Louis scowled at them and said, "Sorry boys, he's mine."

Nick gave him a look, smirking, asking, "And why is that?"

Louis stepped up, grabbing Nick's collar and lifted him up to his height level and whispered, "Because I said so."

Nick just laughed and said, "Oh what a great reason. Did Ryan teach you that one?"

Louis gritted his teeth in anger and rammed Nick against the locker, holding him there. Harry jumped in surprise and the floaters stepped forward. Louis looked to them out of the corner of his eye and hissed, "Don't. Come. Closer."

They stopped coming, the tone freezing them in spot. Louis looked back Nick who was just smirking. Louis got more pissed and pushed him further into the locker and got closer whispering, "Now listen to me, Nick."

He spat his name with disgust and Nick narrowed his eyes a bit. Louis continued, "When you go back to your little gang, tell Leon I said he's not getting Harry. Harry is mine, MINE. Not his. He isn't his, he won't be his, and he never will be his. Understand?"

Nick stared him in the eyes for awhile and said, "Whatever you say boss." His tone was sarcastic and Louis narrowed his eyes. He pushed his elbow in between his ribs and Nick coughed and it gurgled a little.

Louis asked again in a hard tone, "Understand?" Tilting his head to the side.

Nick nodded, coughing a little more, blood dotted on his lower lip. Louis let him go, him dropping to the floor, coughing and gasping for air. Louis looked down to him and said, "Might've nicked a lung."

Nick glared up to him and scrambled to his feet. He gave Harry and Louis one last look before mumbling under his breathe to his floaters, and they walked off. Louis watched them disappear around the corner before leaning against the locker, pulling his cigarettes out with a sigh.

Harry was still shaken up from the scene and watched Louis place one in his mouth and pull the lighter out. Harry asked, "You're going to smoke? In school?"

Louis looked over to him and said, "I do everyday. What's any different?"

Harry gave him a look and said, "I know you smoke during school hours, I meant inside. You'll set off the smoke alarms."

Louis thought about it and sighed frustrated and put both away. He pushed his hands in his pockets and stayed against the locker. After a moment of silence Louis asked, "Well?"

Harry was trying to get the wrinkles out of his sweater vest and looked up asking, "Well what?"

Louis said, "No thank you? No kissing my feet? No 'oh Louis I'm debt to you now! I will serve you forever'? None of that?"

Harry signed frustrated and mumbled something about ironing it out and looked to Louis saying, "Oh I am thankful. So thank you Louis. But I'm confused mostly."

Louis crossed his arms this time, narrowing his eyes and said, "Oh really? Explain."

He thought for awhile and said, "Well first off, you usually bully me. It was weird for you to step in and save me." Louis frowned. "Then you said I was yours," Louis noticed he blushed while saying this, "and make that very clear."

Louis chewed his lip ring and said, "Yeah I'm sorry about...all the bullying I did, I guess. I turned over a new leaf. I wanna be your friend. What do you say?"

Harry beamed up quickly and said, "That sounds great!"

Louis chuckled a little at his excitement and asked, "Wanna come over later tonight? I'll show you this cool lake."

Harry said, "That sounds wonderful! Where and what time?"

Louis got off the locker and said, "Just meet here again. Meet around eight, alright?"

Harry nodded and said, "See you later tonight!"

He turned and began walking away when Louis called after him. Harry looked over his shoulder and Louis said, "And don't wear that."

Harry looked at his sweater vest and looked to Louis and said, "I'll try and find something else!" and he walked off again.

When he was gone, Louis sighed in relief and leaned against the locker. He closed his eyes and thought about what'd they do tonight.

"So did you forget about our plans tonight or did you just want to piss me off?"

Louis flinched internally and sighed. He opened his eyes, looking up and in front of him stood Eleanor. He said, "No I didn't forget, no I didn't wanna piss you, but that'd be fun." Eleanor have him a look and he just shrugged. He continued, "I was simply making other plans."

Eleanor crossed her arms and asked, "What about our plans?"

Louis said, "They're cancelled."

Eleanor looked appalled, mouth agape and she said, "Cancelled?! Do I have to remind you that I will spread your secret across this school like a wildfire if you-"

Louis interrupted, "Shut up! Fuck! I know! Stop using that! I made these plans because they play a key part in saving your damn life!"

Eleanor fell silent and Louis watched her. She asked in a low voice, "Save my life?"

Louis sighed frustrated and said, "Yes! Maybe if you stopped jumping to conclusions, you'd understand something!"

Eleanor looked down and asked, "What's the plan? That might save my life?"

Louis leaned against the locker again comfortably and explained, "I just have to have Harry join our gang. Change him into someone like me and get him into our gang. If I fail, someone I care for or myself will be killed."

Eleanor gulped a little and looked down saying, "Oh...."

Louis got off the locker and stuffed his hands in his pockets, walking off. He called over his shoulder, "Yeah, so let me off the hook a little. I'm saving your life."

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