Chapter 2

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after what seemed like a two hour speech from my mother warning me about alcohol, parties and I course boys, we finally arrived at the airport.

I checked my bags in and gave my mom a quick kiss goodbye. we exchanged "I love you's" and I was off. not without a quick reminder to stay away from boys.

pftt. like that was going to happen.

unfortunately my seat was next to an old grandpa that snored, loudly. but I chose to ignore it. it was going to be a long flight so I couldn't let just a little thing get under my skin so quickly.

to handle my problem I stuck my headphones in and pressed play. the best song ever played and I smiled. it was my favorite song.

before I knew it I was asleep and headed towards my life for the next 4 years.


"miss, excuse me. the plane has landed, wake up" A gentle voice woke me. I guess I had slept the whole 12 hour plane ride. wow. I stood up and grabbed my carry on from above me and scooted off the plane onto the tarmac. the wind was chilly and dark clouds covered the sky.

"nice weather" I mumbled to myself. I knew the weather would be crappy here. but the school was great so who really cares.

once I got my luggage back, wich took forever because it was the last one off the plane. I headed out of the airport to look for a taxi. I immedielty got one and told the driver where I needed to go. so here I am in London headed towards a new school to become an English major? I think that's what I want. well it's what my mom wants. rain drops litter the city as we drive through cheshire. I look out the window and wonder what other possibilities could come from a diferent major..

"what a beautiful city" I say and the cab driver smiles.

"sure is" he replies and laughs.

this guy is creepy.

the way his silver capped teeth shine makes him look evil. it's just something about him.

"here you are, love" the mans voice snaps me out of my thoughts. he points out the window and my eyes follow.

"wow" is all I can muster up. this school is giant. people are sitting in the grass of the court yard and I assume their studying. I can't wait till that's me!!

I pay the cab driver and grab my luggage then start to walk toward my dorm.

it's in the girls dorms room D33 I'm in E so I must be close. I count the numbers on the door until I reach 33. I take in a deep breath and inhale. all I want is a good roomate.

you would not have guessed who I saw when I opened the door.


yay! second chapter! what do you think she sees? comment and vote! and thanks to whoever is reading this!! :)


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