Cleo: Hello women, today we're on the subject of that akward first date. What is the most akward first date you've ever been on?
Scout: When I went the cinema with this guy, and he asked me really loudly in the middle of the film what kinky meant. Everyone heard, I nearly died.
Simba: Going to this really posh restaurant, and we were just sat there like melons not knowing what to say, and there was some man playing a violin like right next to us.
Tye: I've never had an akward date.
Cleo: Get you, Tye. What is your idea of the perfect first date?
Scout: Ermm..going shopping?
Simba: Going for a walk on the beach at night.
Tye: God, what kind of question is that? Going on a date with ..............
Her answer resulted in hysterics. She actually gave the name of my older cousin, who they all adore.
Cleo: I'll ignore that. When did you last go on a date, and was it succesfull?
Scout: Last night..and yeah, I would say so.
Simba: Erm, a while ago. And, no it wasn't.
Tye: About a month ago I think. He thought it was successfull, but he was a complete dick.
Cleo: Okay, random question - would you date someone younger than you?
Scout: I'm not a peodophile.
Simba: Maybe, depends on how much younger. If it was more that like a year, then no.
Tye: I agree with Simba. And that was pretty random.. are you not telling us something?
Cleo: Shut up Tye. Okay, we're done for today. Say bye!
Scout: Teletubby bye-bye.
Simba: Au revoir!
Tye: (said nothing, lol).