Chapter 1

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"Because Madison we would never see you again, think about how this is making us feel, why don't you just go to one in London?" The shouting had stopped.
"I just want something exciting for once, I've been around London a million times, I want adventure dad, I want to explore on my own."
"You're not going." My mum finally croaked up.
"What do you mean I'm not going?"
"You're not 18 years of age so you can't go anywhere without parents permission,"
"We'll see about that, I never knew parents had the capability of not being supportive." And with that I put on my shoes and ran out the front door.

Why couldn't my parents be supportive? All my life I've wanted to do something exciting, just the thrill of not knowing what could come next.
As I came to the end of neighborhood, the column of streetlights ending, I turned right in the direction of the park, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, it was my dad. I ignored the call and carried on walking. The rain was still pouring and I felt my body become heavier and heavier, darkness surrounded me apart from a streetlight hovering the park bench, I sat down ignoring the new felt coldness. 
"You should really have an umbrella," A voice made me jump. I saw a silhouette, no face, no insight to who this person was apart from their voice. "What is a pretty girl like you doing all alone in the rain late at night?"
"Well why are you here? In the rain late at night." The voice chuckled.
"Touche Madison," I moved slightly at the sound at my full name, whoever this guy was I didn't recognize his voice and I was unsure as to how he knew me. "So are you going to tell me why you're here?" I pulled my hood over my head.
"I got in an argument with my parents about my future," I had no idea why I was telling him this but I did.
"What do you want to do?"
"I want to go to Harvard University in New York but my parents want me to stay local because they'll 'miss me', but I want adventure, you know? Some sense of difference, I want to actually be someone."
"Have you told them?" The voice replied.
"Plenty of times but they just don't get it,"
"Why don't you just go?" 
"Well if you're eighteen you can do whatever you please, book your flights and go pursue your dream?"
"My birthday is in two days, but isn't that too soon to make arrangements?"
"If you're truly serious about going, go for it, go to Harvard and get a degree, or don't, drop out if you want, if you really want to do this, there's nothing stopping you,"
"I really wish my parents saw it like you," I replied back to the stranger. I saw the silhouette turn his back to me, the rain was pouring harder now.
"Wait! Who are you?" I shouted over the storm.
"Think of me as a guardian angel or some shit like that," He chuckled, it was a lovely sound.
"Will I ever get to see you again? As in your face?"
"Maybe we'll run into each other soon enough, goodbye for now Madison Summers." And with that he was gone. 

I stared into the darkness confused at the thought of what just happened, I sneezed. Great a cold. I walked back slowly to my home to see the lights off, I headed up to my room and stared into my mirror, my reflection looking sad, my usual brown, wavy hair was now black and tangled with water, my usual blue, sparkling eyes were smudged with mascara that fell down my cheeks.
Then it happened. I guess you could call it an epiphany. I'm going to go to New York. I switched my laptop on and drummed the keys impatiently, I leaned over to my desk drawer and pulled out my acceptance letter. 

"English literature,
Psychology 950,
Folklore and Mythology 106"

I was quite happy with the courses I was able to do at the university, if I actually went that it. I saw the word scholarship on the letter and fell back on my bed, how could something be so amazing but be so difficult? I sat back up and immediately looked for flights, I wanted to do this, tomorrow I'm going to buy things to go and my birthday will be the first step towards a new life and now nothing was stopping me. To think this all happened because of a stranger in the rainy night, anything is possible I guess, just at the right place at the right time.

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