The Encounter

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Natília Pov
Beep. Beep. Beep. My alarm kept going. I got up and did my morning routine. I had to get my roommate up( who is also my twin sister."GIANNA GET UP!" I yelled. "I'm up, I'm up geez shut up, it's to early for yelling." I live in New York, me and my sister go to Columbia University . I'm a dancer on the D.L. "Come on Gianna we are gonna be late." "Alright I'm comin."We got in the car and thank god we made it on time.
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I decided to walks home since my sister had to go to work. As I was walking home I was saw big crowd so I decided to check it out. I saw a boy dancing and he was good ain't gonna lie but my technique is better. He came over to me and invited me to dance. "Come on."he asked but I declined. I started to walk off when I felt someone pull my arm. It was the boy who was dancing. Hey Why'd you walk off ? I shrugged my shoulders. "Well my name's Moose. He introduced."Natília" I said.
Well Natília tell me about yourself."Uhm well I go to Columbia University,I'm a major in pre-Law, I'm 18,and I have a twin sister named Gianna." So tell me about you,like why people call you Moose?"Well the question you should ask yourself is why not Moose" he said. We both started to laugh. And from that moment on I knew my life was going to change.

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