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A/N hey guys this is my second book yay!

Natsu is kinda a jerk in this story but so is Lucy.

There will be a lot of Nalu!!

Hope you all enjoy :p

Lucy's POV

I wake up to see my room mate Levy McGarden packing things into a suitcase. "Hey what are you doing?" I ask curious Levy spins around with a smile and says "it's the class field/camping trip" I totally forgot it was today "ugg why can't it be next week?" I ask looking at the roof "because that will be the holidays" Levy said awkwardly smiling at me.

I get up and go have a shower when I'm done I see Canna brushing her teeth at one of the sinks. "Hey Canna!" I say waving to her even though I'm not that far "Huh? Oh Lucy ready for the trip?" Canna asks smiling I give her a look and she goes back to brushing her teeth.

I finished packing one or two suitcases and bring them to the bus. I'm wearing some ripped jeans a top that says book worm and I on top of that is an over sized jumper that's long enough to be a thy high dress. "Lu~Chan over here" Levy waves to me from the baggage area at the bus. "Hey" I say as I hear some girls call me names as I walk past.

Natsu's POV

As everyone pushes and shoves to get on the bus I fall over and have to go to the back of the line. When I got on the bus there was only one seat left and it was next to the biggest nerd at school Lucy Heartfelia. As I sit next to her she doesn't even notice me.

I start listening to music half way to where ever we are going I didn't really read the notice. I take a glimps at Lucy she's reading a book as usual 'she is so boring' I think to myself but as soon as I do she looks at me with a glare and of corse I glare back.

I start nodding of nearly able to keep my eyes open. I look at the time it's 3:30pm I'm so bored then I realise Ice Princess is behind me "Oi Ice Princess lets do something fun!" I whisper to him he looks at me and smirks "like what?" He asks then I motion to Lucy Grey gets it and my plan goes into action.

A/N WARNING: There might be or not be swearing through out the story.

Lucy's POV

As I sit quietly reading my book I hear Natsu talk to grey I don't look at them because I really couldn't care I just keep reading.  I'm reading a book called Matched its a book about a girl who gets Matched with her best friend but then falls for another guy it's a three part series but I'm only half way through the first book.

I feel someone kick my seat but just ignore it until they do it harder then I shut my book so loud I swear it went silent for a split second I then turn around and death stare Grey  "you better STOP it" I say emphasising the stop he smile and keeps on doing it then I get really pissed and then I held up my phone and said "you better stop because I have a recording on here that will embarrass you so much" he looks at me curiously "yeah like what?" Grey asks with a try me attitude then I hit play and put the volume full blast

"Cause if you like the way you look so much then you should go and love yourself" the recorder played Greys horrible singing voice but wait it hasn't finished

"Man I look freaking hot with no shirt on"

Everyone was laughing even the teachers were laughing that's when Grey stopped and his face blushed the colour of a tomato. I sat back and continued reading from where I left off.

*Beep* My phone buzzes I pick it up and look at it I got a message form Levy? I ignore it and keep reading when Natsu swipes my book and throws it to Gajeel who chucks it out the window I feel the anger rush to my face but I start to tear instead. "M-my book my m-mother's book" I whisper to myself. My mother and father died 3 years ago I've been living alone ever since. Me tearing up turns into me crying silently to myself.

"W-why'd you do that?" I asked him with tears rolling down my face Natsu just stares at me and that's when Canna  who is sitting in front of me turns around and is shocked "what the hell did you do?!?" Canna yells at Natsu but not to loud "my books gone forever" I cry Canna gets mad then she grabbed him by his collar and said "you better apologise right now!" Natsu just sat there staring at Canna.

Natsu's POV

Canna is still holding the collar of my T-shirt as I stare at her not knowing what I did wrong. "I didn't do nothing Canna" I said as she gets angrier "you tossed my book to Gajeel then he threw it out the window" Lucy says still crying I just realise Canna let go and is patting Lucy's head.

I look at Gajeel to say give the book back before Canna and Lucy get a teacher he nods then asks Jellal to pass the book to me. I grab the book of Jellal then give it back Lucy looks straight at the book and whispers loudly to herself "oh thank goodness your safe" I stare at her and laugh at little then she glare at me "why are you talking to that book as if it's a person?" I ask but she doesn't answer.

I go back to listening to music everything was calm until I feel something on my shoulder when I look at what it was I realised it was Lucy she fell asleep with the book in her hands. Just as I was going to get her off me Canna glared at me to say if you move her I'll freaking kill you so did nothing just left her there.

I felt like I was nodding off too but I didn't want to but I think I did because everything went black. When I woke up we were still riding in the bus and Lucy still had her head on my shoulder everyone was so loud when I took my headphones out of my ears.

I hear a sneeze that came from Lucy 'ugg I have to have a girl that I freaking hate sleeping on me great' i thought to myself.

Lucy's POV

I wake up to find my head on Natsu's shoulder I quickly get up and look at my phone it's 5:30pm 'how long have I been asleep for?' I ask myself as I look at Natsu who is staring straight back at me "what!" I say turning my head away from him "uh you were just sleeping on my shoulder for like half an hour ya know" Natsu says upset wait half an hour is that really how long I slept for and on his shoulder? I feel myself start to blush a light pink "oh shut up" I tell him then I leave it at that.

'Natsu is so horrible!' I think to myself when I hear someone say "Hey nerd the one with the over sized jumper" I looked back to find a girl with light brown hair calls out I haven't seen her or I probably have but didn't notice "you are so freaking ugly why the hell are you at this school?" She asks I turn around and hug my knees then I whispered "there's nothing with being different I know Sting, Levy Rogue and Canna would agree" "who's Sting and Rogue?" Natsu asks curious wait why is he even talking to me? I stay quiet and don't answer.

A/N hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry if it's too long but I couldn't help but write hehe!

Find out next chapter who Sting and Rogue are to Lucy.

Class field trip (nalu fanfic)         [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now