Chapter 1: Birthday, Mr. Annoying, and My Aunt

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Hello everyone about to read this book, and thanks again! I just want to say this is my first book of an all girls point of view, so if it's ... different, that's why. Anyway, Enjoy Every Book You Ever Read!


"June! June!" I yell across the hall. June takes her head out of her locker to look at me. When I'm right next to her I ask, "Do you remember what today is?" June puts her thinking cap on. "Nope." My mouth drops, "What!"

June, or Juniper Calling has been my best friend for a few years now since we first met sitting in class next to each other. At first we didn't talk, but now we hangout all the time.

June starts laughing. "Calm down, I was only joking. I totally remember, since you've been reminding me all week. It's your birthday!" I sigh in relief;'I thought my best friend forgot my birthday. I slip an envelope from my pocket and hand it to June. She takes it and asks confused, "What's this?"

What else would it be? "An invitation. Open it." She cuts the top open with her finger and pulls out a card. A hand made, specifically created, and awesome card made by me to June. After reading it, June says, "Awwwww, this is so cute! And thanks for the invite, even though you said everyone in our grade was invited."

"I just wanted to make your appearance at my party a defiant. Also, I don't want you getting jealous that I meet my soul mate at this party."

"Here we go again." June complains. "June come on. My parents met at my Dad's sixteenth party and are married now! That has to mean something!" "Zoe, that was just coincidence that they met at his sixteenth birthday party and stayed together since then. What's the chance of a fairy tale happening again?" June asks.

"June, it's going to happen. Just wait." I glance down at my digital watch. Time for class to start soon. "Ok June, see you this afternoon at my house." I say walking away. "Right, I'll be there." Behind me I hear her close her locker and start walking away.

I walk and turn to enter Mrs. Fours, or my aunt Rebecca's classroom. It's kind of funny, because she teaches math. It's crazy how my Dad's sister is my teacher. The world defiantly has surprises in store.

Before I pass through the door, I bump into someone. "Owww, my head." I say in pain. I glance up to see I ran into Lewis Jones, probably the smartest kid in school. I see him once and awhile since he rides my bus and everything. He's wearing khaki shorts, red t-shirt with the Flash symbol on it, and big black framed glasses.

"Sorry Zoe, are you Ok? I was just asking Mrs. Fours what the homework was." Lewis apologizes. I let go of my still stinging head. "I'm alright. But wait, don't you have my aunt for the last period of the day?"

"Yep, just want it done so I don't have to do it later. Anyway, gotta get to class. See ya later!" Lewis says. "Ok, bye!" And we left the door. I go ahead an take my seat in the middle row. Before I can even slip my backpack off, Mr. Annoying shows up. He pulls up a seat next to me and says, "Look who's here, Miss Smarty Pants. Was that your boyfriend you were talking to? That smart ass nerd?"

Mr. Annoying, or by his real name Josh Tip, is the reason I hate school. He annoyed me ALL day, EVERY day. Always teasing me about Lewis being my boyfriend, calling me so many things, and is just ANNOYING!

I take a slow breath. Then I comeback. "Look, I don't like Lewis, we're just friends. And I'm smart yes, but you sir need to sit your be-hind down and leave me alone. Go back with your group in the back of the class now. Bye Bye." I say waving. "But- You- Ugggg! Fine! See ya Dorkerella!" And he walks away.

Ugggg, annoying boys and their smack talk. Hopefully HE decides my party is for nerds and won't come.

Diiiiing! Diiiiing!

"Alright class time for work. We're going to be doing our Ratios from yesterday. If you don't remember pull out your notes. Would someone like to pass out today's assignment?" My Aunt asks. A girl in the front gets up and starts handing everyone our work.

Suddenly Mrs. Fours comes out from behind her desk and walks over to me. "Hey Zoe, how's it going?" Asks Rebecca. "Just annoyed. It's nothing." I answer. She smiles. "Young people. I kind of wish I was in your foot steps again. Being a teen was fun." Says my aunt. I shake my head. "You definitely don't want my footsteps, just saying."

"Well, when you grow up and have a job, you wish you were a kid again. Speaking of, I got papers to grade. Nice chatting with you!" "You too!" I say back before starting my paper.

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