27 Trainee (1/2).

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Notice: ___ is where you insert your name



July 2012

3 years ago, when only B.I, Bobby, and Jinhwan were in the original team. (Junhoe was in a different team).

Bobby: So like I came and helped her but she gave me a mean look.

Hanbin: *laugh*

Junhoe: You must have scared her with your face.

Bobby: NOO!!

Jinhwan: It's ok, when we debut you will have many fans.

Bobby: I'll rule the stage.

Hanbin: And I'll make a lot of money and create my own world, called Kim Hanbin.

All: ㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲ

*knock knock*

Hanbin: Who is it??

Jinhwan: It's probably Lalice.


Lalice: Annyeong~

Lalice secretly came into our practice room. She can't be here but YG doesn't check his surveillance camera at a certain time. Apparently we don't know how she finds out about that and she would sneak in around this time.

Lalice: Are you guys practicing?

Hanbin: Yea how about you? You'll get us in trouble.

Lalice: Ani, I just practiced, the other girls annoyed me so I came here.

Bobby: What did they do?

Lalice: They're just, sucks.

Jinhwan: Ya you can't be like that, just because YG uploaded a video of you dancing online that doesn't mean you'll debut. You know YG.

Lalice: Yea but you guys were confident that you'll debut just now. I overheard y'all.

Hanbin: Wow, eavesdropping us?

Lalice: Hey it's called having ears ok.

Hanbin: Wanna go out for a walk?

Lalice: Yea lets go.

Hanbin: Ok guys lets go.

Lalice: Wait.. All of us?

Hanbin: Yea all of us.


Junhoe: What? Do you not want us to be here between you two?

Junhoe: What? Do you not want us to be here between you two?

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Lalice: No, let's go..



1 am

Lalice: Hanbin seriously will never get a girlfriend.

Bobby: Of course he can't, none of us can.

Lalice: Unless you want to break the rule.

Hanbin: You can do that if you want to get kick out by YG.

Lalice: YG YG, always YG. He can't do anything to us.

Jinhwan: Lisa are you on your right mind. Of course he will.

Lalice: Don't say anything as if you understand. You're the one who's dating someone right one.


Bobby: Let's stop arguing, let's relax. We've done practicing. It's a harsh day. Let's rest.

Hanbin: I want to debut.

Bobby: I wonder who else will join our group.

Jinhwan: I heard that kid Yunhyeong might join our team, and maybe Junhoe will switch to our team.

Junhoe: I guess.

Lalice: Yunhyeong? Who's that?

Jinhwan: He got in YG to become an actor, apparently, but YG is letting him practice his singing and dancing not so long ago.

Hanbin: I think a 3 members group is good enough. Excluding Junhoe *cough*

Junhoe: *roll eyes*

Bobby: 3 or 4 doesn't matter, we'll still rule the world.

Lalice: I want to debut too.

Hanbin: Let's all debut together, Bobby, Jinhwan, Junhoe, Lisa.

We all scream out our stress before coming back to our dorm and rest.


6 am


-From Lisa-

"Hey, are you awake? Come out"



Lisa and Hanbin? What kind of relationship they had in the past? And will it affect you and Hanbin now? Please like/comment for more chapters~ happy weekend everyone! I will update more! Please anticipate~

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