Chapter 10

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It was 1:00pm and the whole family was still sleeping. My phone began to ring It was Abbas at this time I wonder why so I picked it up I was half asleep and said hello in my sleepy voice, he was talking with so much excitement "Hi Aliyah how are you? what's you up to? When you coming over? I said,"Hi Abbas I was sleeping and you woke me up is everything ok? He goes You still sleeping Aliyah wakey wakey sleeping beauty.

"Come on Abbas I'm very tired please don't annoy me.

Faryal came into my room and said,"Aliyah who are you talking to? I said Abbas. "Abbas?! At this time is everything ok?

"Yeah faryal everything is ok he's was just asking when we are going to his house so I can return his jacket.

Faryal smirked, Ok you both carry on talking.

Abbas said,Oh yeah you have my jacket so when are you coming to return it back to me?

I laughed, your not getting it back?

He chuckled,"Aaaw you like me that much that u want to keep my jacket beside you. Ok you can keep it then

A voice came,"Abbas who are you talking to? Bhabi I'm talking to your sister Aliyah. Zara said,"Oh your talking to her I want to talk to her.

Abbas gave Zara the phone, Zara was saying with so much excitement,"Hi Aliyah how r u? How's the family and when are you guys coming?

I laughed, hi Zara bhaji I'm fine and the family is fine too we are coming in A while and oh bhaji tell your Daywar to stop worrying about his jacket I will bring it to him.

I woke the family up and told them that Zara bhaji called we headed to her new house. We went and had lunch with azeem's family but Abbas was nowhere to be seen I asked Zara and Azeem were he was they both started to laugh and said,"He was waiting for you to come all day and now you have to wait for him.

Abbas walked in and came with lots of shopping bags he said,"I went shopping and bought everyone gifts he even bought me something. He said, "Aliyah close your eyes. So I closed them he put something around my neck it was a necklace it was really beautiful and had diamonds on it. I was shocked I said,"Abbas this must have been very expensive I can't accept this I'm sorry. He said,"Aliyah please keep it, it's my gift to you.

And then Abbas whispered something into Azeem's ear and said," Oh No I forgot something I need to go back to the store, Azeem said to him Take Aliyah with you.

I couldn't refuse so I went with him as soon as I got into the car Abbas put the radio on and all my favourite songs came on and then one of Abbas favourite songs chaun main ya na came on he started singing it to me and then we arrived at the store but we got lost into each others eyes and we didn't even know if anyone was around us it felt like it was only me and him there. Abbas's phone started ringing it was auntie asking if we arrived safely. Abbas got out of his car and opened my door for me I found it really cute and said thank you to him.

We went into the store and Abbas took me to the jewellers he said that he had to get Zara a gift one from him and one on behalf of Azeem so he asked for my help I chose two necklace set. Abbas said, You are life saver Aliyah, I didn't know what to buy but u chose the right thing thank you so much. He hugged me and the worker said, "umm sir here's your bill and by the way you both are a really cute couple just made for each other.

We both walked out of the store and got into the car we had an awkward silence then Abbas said, "Aliyah i hope you have forgotten about Armaan and are ready to move on, I'm always here for you no matter what. Any time of the day just phone me and I'll be here for you. I was happy and said,"Thank You so much that's really sweet of you.

"Oh that's great we shall be best friends from now on you can share stuff with me and I can share stuff with you.

We got to the home and showed Zara the gifts we bought for her, she was very very happy. Me and Abbas were sitting right next to each other it was a really hot day so Abbas was going to the kitchen and he grabbed my hand and took me with him everyone was looking at what he was doing and weirdly they were all smiling at us. Azeem was telling everyone that he has never seen Abbas that happy before and Zara was saying yeah Abbas was texting Aliyah early in the morning they have become friends.

In the kitchen Abbas got me ice cream and asked me for help because he was going to make dessert so I helped him and asked him why he grabbed my hand everyone was looking and it don't look nice. He said, "Sorry I didn't realise I did that I promise it wouldn't happened again. We started making the dessert and I took the ice cream sundae glasses out and one dropped by accident and a glass piece got into my foot it was bleeding and I couldn't move Abbas took the glass piece out of my foot and got the first aid box and bandaged me the whole family came and Abbas lifted me I was in his arms he put me on the sofa. It was hurting very much and Zara insisted to keep me at her house only for one day azeem's family agreed so Abbas looked after me we were in the living room watching a movie and then I was feeling tired so I went to the room.

I changed into my night clothes and went to sleep and then Abbas came in and slept beside me I was shocked and started shouting Abbas was shocked too he said,"Aliyah what are u doing in my bedroom! I replied,"Your bedroom?! I thought this was the guest room. I got up and asked Abbas where the guest room was he replied,"No no you can stay here tonight I'll sleep in the guest room. He got up and left I was feeling so embarrassed and didn't know what to do.

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