Chapter Two

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Liz's POV

Me and Val get out of my car when we arrive at the mall. *sigh* I love this mall so much, I'm gonna miss it when we move to NYC. When me and Val enter through the entrance of the mall, we immediately spot our fave store; Rue 21. We quickly walk over to the store and start shopping for our "needs." While I'm on the search for some cute new clothes for NYC, I spot a pair of shorts with tribal prints on it. I immediately think, 'OMG I need this sooo bad!!'. So I grab it and hold on to it while I'm looking for more clothes that I would want to buy. I look over to Val where I see her with an ombre chambray shirt and wearing an intense look on her face looking at the price-tag. I could definitely tell that it was too much out of our price range cuz' she put it back on the rack with a sad look on her face. I go back to looking at the rack I was looking at and keep browsing for more cute clothes.

Val's POV

I sadly looked back at the rack where I put back the ombre chambray shirt. *sigh* That shirt was very cute.... too bad it didn't fit our price range... it was soo expensive!! Ugh, I go to another rack in the store and look for more clothes. Then something caught in the corner of my eye. A pair of combat boots. I quickly run over to it, while in the same time getting strange looks from other people in the store, but I didn't care. When I looked at the price-tag, I suddenly smiled so wide, my jaw started to hurt. OMG!! OMG!! These were the perfect combat boots that I have been wanting for a long time!! I can't believe I actually found some so cheap. I go back to the clothes rack where I was currently looking at before I spotted the combat boots. I continued looking and after I looked around the whole store, I found some cute sandals, wedges, a new beanie, some accessories, a couple of new pairs of shorts and skirts , and some cute new tops. I looked over to the area where Liz was. I don't see her... that's strange. Where in the heck did she go? I looked around the whole store and I don't see her. I start to panic. I quickly asked an employee, "Hey, have you seen a girl with red hair, she was wearing a bright blue bandeau, a sheer top, and some lace denim shorts?" "Uhh..... oh yea, I saw her walking out the door a few minutes ago with her bag of clothes she had bought from here." Answered the employee. "oh, ok. Thanks for the information." I say sounding all calm while on the inside I'm totally freaking out. Why would she leave the store without informing me that she would? I quickly pay for all the clothes and head out of the store. Now where could she be? She prob took a bathroom break or something, that's prob why she left the store early. I sat down on a bench near Rue 21 and wait to see if Liz would pop up at any minute. After 2 minutes have passed, I start to worry. Oh god. I could feel something is wrong so I buy my stuff and start searching for her. I finally find her sitting on a bench, with her ear plugs in. She is probably listing to her new fav song; Chloe by Emblem3. I run up to her and pull her ear plugs out. "Where the hell have been!?" I scream at her. I notice there are people starring, includding little kids. I drag her outside of the mall.  

"What the fuck Liz!" I shout. 

"What the fuck!? What the fuck did I do!?" Liz shouts back. 

"You left without telling me where you were going!" I holler. 

"Oh so all of a sudden your my babysitter!" Liz screeches. 

"No! I was just really worried. I'm so sorry for caring, Liz!!" I shout, while walking to the car. Fortunately I have the keys. 

"Val...." She says, "....Val I'm sorry. Ok." 

"I am too." I reply. 

We hug, and go back into the mall. We shop more.

Liz's POV

I check my phone for the time. SHIT! It's 5:30!!! It takes an hour to get to the bar! Since we are across town. "Val we gotta go!" I tell her. 

"Whyyyy!" She complains. 

"Cuz we're gonna be late for work!" I raise my voice. 

"Oh. Why can't we just quit today?" Val asks. 

"Well cuz we, we, we. Good point!" I say rejoicing. 

"Call the bitch boss, and tell him we quit." Val says. 

I call our boss. We quit. Val and I go into the hair salon. She gets a trim, and ambre hair. I dye all of my hair dark red. We got to a massage place, the nail salon, buy stuff for the trip to NYC, get some more clothes, and eat dinner at the food court. When we get home its 8:30. We finish up packing. "Liz why can't we take a plane?" Val questions. 

"We don't have enough money." I reply sadly. 

"What about the money grandma left us?" She asks. 

"Oh yea," I say cheery, "But we could use that for Juilliard." 

"How bout we take a plan to NYC, use the rest for food and furniture, and the rest goes to Julliard. We would still need to make some money but it could work." Mrs. Perky replies. 

"That might work!!!" I shout. 

"Ill call U Hall and cancel. As you drive us to the airport. Won't we need a car? How are we going to take ours, if we don't get a new car." Val asks. 

"We will trade in the car here. We tell them that we need to trade the car in NYC. They give use a paper saying that we get a car in NYC. Then we get our car there." I smile. 

We get into the car. I drive to the car dealership, as Val calls U Hall. "Its canceled." She says. 

"K good." We get the papers. turn in the car, take our luggage, and walk to the bus stop. We take the bus to the airport. We buy tickets, aboard the plane. We start to talk off.

Val's POV

"Ladies and Gentlemen we will be landing momentarily in New York City." The polite informs us.

We get off the plane. "First things first." I say. 

"What?" Liz replies. 

"Taking a bus to the dealership, to get a brand new car!!!!!" I shriek. 

"K." Liz says. We take a bus. New York City is amazing! We arrive at the dealership. We get a blue BMW. Ahhh I love it so much! We drive to an apartment building. We walk up to the front desk, and pay for our first rent. We settle in. Its very nice. Before I know it Liz and I both are fast asleep.


**Author's Notes**

Hey guys it's Rae from twobesties37! Do you guys like the book so far!? I absolutely love writing it! We will keep updating asap. Till our next chap, Happy Reading!! <3 <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2013 ⏰

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