Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty – Two

"Linda, can you get the roast out for me please?" Eddie asked her sister-in-law who had admonished her for not calling the doctor.

Linda bent and retrieved the meat. "What's Jamie eating?" He wasn't up to roast yet.

"That pot on the back there, it's ground beef and sauce, that's his, just put it on his potatoes, he's been eating like that a week or two now and he's doing great. He barely coughs at all and he likes it too."

"That's really good," Linda agreed. "Danny said when he came yesterday he felt like Jamie was working with him a little, pushing with his leg and things, he's making real progress. He might make his goals if he stays focused."

Erin was in the corner of the room staying quiet, she had gotten a call from her father, her younger brother, and her nephew all warning her, Joey's of course the most vehement and vicious. He was in full on bear mode protecting his mother. She had a headache from the tension of it all. She was glad to hear Jamie was getting better, but it hurt her to her core to see him in pain and struggling. She had to stop that, it was her job as his sister.

"Yes, those are Jamie's goals," Eddie said pointedly to all in the room. "I have told him when he wants to say stop, we stop but until he's sure we keep fighting."

"Eddie, where do you want me to have Jamie sit?" Danny asked poking his head into the kitchen. "He wants to go to the table now."

"At the head just have his weaker arm next to my chair," Eddie replied. "We'll be ready in about ten minutes. Lila, pour the wine and just put a little of it in Dad's glass, half the amount."

Lila agreed and offered her aunt a warm smile, "Mom will come around," she assured her in a soft whisper. "I'm glad you came."

Erin smiled, Lila had a special place in her heart. She picked up some of the rolls and butter and carried those to the table.

"There you go, Jamie," Danny encouraged as Jamie tried to get from his wheelchair to the armed dining room chair. "You just push that leg, push it with your hip..." Danny gave the weak leg a slight shove so it did what Jamie wanted.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Lila gasped. "You aren't supposed to do that without Roger!"

"I am eating in a regular chair," Jamie said firmly. "With my family. This is a surprise for Mom. She needs to see me trying, it will be better for everyone if she sees me try. "

By the time Eddie and Linda got to the table, Jamie was seated at the head of the table in his regular seat, his wheelchair discarded in the corner of the room. Joey was skeptical about this, his Dad still had a hard time holding posture and if he started to slouch during the meal it might really upset his mom.

"Jamie..." Eddie beamed when she saw him. "Did you?"

"Two little steps with a nudge from Danny but yes!" He reached out as soon as Eddie put the roast on the table. He gave her a warm one armed hug. "I made you a promise."

"I'll keep mine," Eddie whispered. "First thing tomorrow I'll call Dr. Brady." She caressed his cheek. "Did you shave yourself?"

"Yeah, I did. I had help from Joey on the side I can't really feel but just when I missed." He lowered his voice, "We can celebrate later for now the food is getting cold. Everyone sit, Lila, it's your turn to say grace."

Lila said the blessing and the food was passed. Eddie put a mixture of ground beef, mashed potatoes, gravy and broccoli on Jamie's plate. "This looks really good." Eddie could tell he wished to be enjoying her roast but he knew better, not yet.

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