A New Kind Of Friendship

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Chapter 1

"Beca, wait! BECA!!" Nate yelled after his girlfriend after she left the restaurant and she was about to enter her dorm. "What, Nate?!" Beca asked with anger in her voice. "What is your problem Beca? Why did just leave the restaurant without saying why?!" "My problem? You want to know what my problem is?" Beca opened the door of her dorm and got inside without looking at Nate, who ran after her. "Your my problem right now, Nate!" "Oh now it's my fault?" "Yes it's your fault?! You were the one who was checking out that waitress!!" "I told you, I wasn't checking out-" "Don't you dare to say you didn't because you did! Everyone saw how you were checking out that waitress while your GIRLFRIEND was sitting in front of you!" "Beca, listen..." Nate tried on a softer tone. "No Nate, I'm sick of your excuses for cheating on me. Just leave." "But..." "Leave!!" Beca pushed him towards the door. When Nate was outside her dorm he turned around with an angry look on his face. "You know what?! I don't need you!! There are thousands of other girls who would love to date me!" "Well I hope they like boys who check out girls who are not his girlfriend!" She slammed the door across his face and walked over to her bed. She searched for her phone. When she found it she called Chloe as fast as possible. She really needed her best friend right now...

Chapter 2

Beca sat on her bed with tear filled eyes, when she heard a faint knock on the door. "It's open..." Beca answered with a tremble in her voice. The red head walked towards Beca and felt horrible upon seeing her friend that way. "Are you crying?" She asked with disbelief in her voice. "No..." Beca wiped away a tear that was in the corner of her eye. "You are crying! Beca Mitchel is crying over a boy?!" Chloe sat next to Beca and pulled her into a long hug. "I'm not crying over a boy I'm crying because I was so stupid to fall in love with a jerk again..." "You're not stupid! You're right about the jerk part but you're not stupid!" Beca laughed at Chloe's reaction. "See that's better!" Chloe wiped away a tear that rolled down Beca's cheek. "No boy loves me for who I am... They're always complaining about my attitude..." -I would love you for who you are...- Chloe thought . She had a crush on her best friend for a while now, but she didn't want her to know because she was afraid it would ruin their friendship...

Chapter 3

"You know what? We should watch a movie!" Chloe suggested while she stood up to search a movie to watch. "You're seriously gonna make me watch a movie right now...?" Beca sighed. "Yeah! It will take your mind of that stupid jerk." She found a movie to watch and put it in Beca's laptop. She sat next to Beca and pulled the cover around them. She rested her head on Beca's shoulder, as always when she had forced Beca to watch a movie again, and tried to focus on the movie. -Now Beca is single again... Maybe I should tell her... No! No Chloe stop thinking about that! Beca doesn't like me back... She's straight... Right?- She looked up at her friend. "What are you looking at ginger?" Beca grinned still looking at the movie. "Nothing, just checking if you like the film." Chloe answered. "Sure! You're just checking me out, aren't you?" "N-no I'm not! Why do you think that?!" Beca started laughing and looked away from the movie. She looked right into Chloe's beautiful blue eyes. "Relax ginger. It was a joke." She laughed confused when she saw the shocked look in Chloe's eyes. "Ye-yeah I noticed that." Chloe tried to look cool but failed. -Nice work Beale...- She thought as she looked at the film again. -Was she just checking me out?! No Mitchel clear up your mind! She doesn't like you that way! She's to good for you... But maybe... No, no, no! Stop it! That crush on Chloe is a long time ago, just get over it! But I still like her, I think...- Beca tried to concentrate on the movie again but the thoughts kept running trough here mind.

------ after the movie-------

"Soooo, what do you think?" " What do I think of the movie?" Chloe nodded enthusiastically. Beca didn't want to hurt the red head so just made up something. "Yeah it was okay." She winked. -Did she just wink at me? Stop it Chloe! She just tried to be nice to me... But she's never nice to someone when they talk about movies? Okay just stop Chloe!- "You're making progress!" Beca raised an eyebrow. "Huh?" Was all she said. "Ugh you're making progress because you're not talking bad about the movie, dummy!" "Hey! Don't call me dummy!" Beca laughed, giving Chloe a playful slap on her shoulder. "Hey! Don't hit me like that!" Chloe laughed imitating Beca's voice. "I don't talk like that!" "Oh yes you do!" Chloe almost fell of Beca's bed from laughing. Before she could fall Beca wrapped her arm around Chloe waist to hold her on the bed. Chloe turned around to face Beca. Their noses touched as Chloe looked in to Beca's deep blue eyes. Chloe leaned in to kiss Beca but she was interrupted by a knock on the door...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2013 ⏰

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