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Personal Statement 

Which quote is better suited for Prompt #1?

 “Often, it’s not about becoming a new person, but becoming the person you were meant to be, and already are, but don’t know how to be.”

― Heath L. Buckmaster


“Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.”

―Albert Einstein

When I was born, one of my aunts said she felt sorry for my family because another girl was born into the family. My dad was infuriated and said he thanked god for blessing him with a healthy and beautiful child. I come from a culture that believes girls are a burden on the family. Fortunately my family is different, and doesn’t discriminate between girls and boys. My parents never made me feel like a burden to them rather encouraged me to further my knowledge and become someone who would always give not take.

I come from a world where education is held at the utmost importance. My family believes that with education, everything is possible. I see the park outside my house, which is usually filled with homeless people, slowly went into different directions. As I walk down 32nd street of Oakland, I meet diverse individuals that have their own stories to share from picking up cans on the street to driving brand new cars. At the local charity, I notice the line of people with tired faces and heavy loads on their shoulders trying to figure out where their next meal will come from. Anyone would think that these people are slackers, but how can someone find a job without the qualifications? When I look at these individuals, I know they are working harder than everyone else to survive because they don’t have the necessary tools to survive. This serves as a reminder that anything can be snatched away from you except the knowledge you possess.

My parents have been through a lot without having the proper tools to survive in this world, but they survive. Many might think they have an easy life because they own a limousine business but in truth everybody has their own struggles.  But they don’t know that my parents have to leave in the middle of the night, early in the morning, while eating to make sure we make ends meet at the end of the month. My parents weren’t really provided the educational opportunities that I was provided and had to build a business from the ground up. They understand the value of education because they had to struggle without it and didn’t want their children to struggle in life as they did. They want their children to be able to stand on their own two feet without being dependent on anyone. They let go of their dreams to fulfill mine; I can’t and won’t disappoint them.

My world inspires me to provide the same educational opportunities to others that my parents provided for me. This world of mine looks different from the outside, but introduces me to the hardships of life early on. I believe everyone has a goal they have to achieve in life and their experience prepares them for the future. I don’t know what destiny has in store for me, but I know that I have been provided with the educational foundation that I need to achieve my goals. I have been raised to respect the education I received, because the only one who is benefit is my world and I. My parents have given me the values to not take anything for granted and their struggles won’t go in vain.

Prompt 2 of UC Personal Statement  

This summer I was given the opportunity to experience a life changing time. I was invited to join a program called Global Glimpse, which sent juniors to Nicaragua for three weeks. This program provides youth to become better global citizen, develop their leadership skills, and implemented skills to serve the community in a efficient way. This program helped broaden my horizon and to open my eyes to the beauty of my world. For three weeks this summer I visited the beautiful city Matagalpa that is rich with natural beauty and full of energy that is contagious. Everyday we had to answer our guiding question: How can I act/ think like a responsible global citizen?

As the group walked to the supermarket I saw vendors selling, people having conversation on the sidewalk and porches, and students coming back from school. As we s purchased our snacks. We left the supermarket for our walk back to the hostel and this little boy, less than 10 years of age with his two siblings, walked toward asking if we had anything to give. One of the glimpster gave his orange juice to the little boy and we saw the most inspiring moment. When he opens the bottle and hands it to his younger brother who gives it the sister.

I noticed the strength their community had and hoped to see in our community soon. Have you ever seen a high school student during lunch or free time, jump rope like there is no tomorrow? An experience like this in INEP, a high school in Matagalpa, has changed my perspective on ways of socializing.

When I a shadow a high school student in INEP, I was shocked to see students having fun doing physical activity without caring what others thought of them. I was amazed to be able to communicate through something, simple as ropes to connect with the students. At my High School I have never see anyone jumping rope during free time or lunch. Personally, I wouldn’t do it myself. My first thoughts would be what if someone notices me, what if someone laughs at me or what if I fall? For a simple task as to jump rope it would be a mental battle with myself; whereas, in INEP they were free spirited with no judgment in mind. I use to think like this, always concerned about what others thought of me even if I didn’t know them.  After seeing how much a person can have fun, if they let go a little and do what their heart says. I was astonished and ashamed that we don’t encourage physical activity in school and judge people when they are. They were able to take risks and challenge their selves. Now I am ready to take risks and accept the challenge to change my thinking.

I was astonished how a rope can bring two different people and a language barrier together. I have changed tremendously after this trip, I don’t take things for granted and I am trying to think and act like global citizen. To take all my experiences in Matagalpa to here in my community.  It makes me proud that I was able to experience this with exceptional students

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2013 ⏰

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