3. Oh I do.

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I look at her but I can't say anything. I know that if I say that yes, I do love him, we will break up, which I don't want. I love her more than anything in this world, well I thought so, but I love James too... Johnny Depp said: ¨If you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you would have never fallen for the second.¨ I think that I must say it to her. Even if we are going to break up. That's the best thing to do even if I really don't want to break her heart.

¨So, you love him?..¨, she whispers sadly.

¨Yes, I do. I'm so sorry... but as Johnny Depp says; if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second.¨, I say.

¨Are you saying that in all this year together, you have never loved me??¨, she says, about to fall in tears.

¨No! No my love! You know, I always thought that I loved you more than anything in this world but I just found out that I'm.. You know, like.. Attracted by boys too...¨, I say trying to reassure her.

¨Okay... Maybe we can just be friends?.. Like we used to be a year ago? ¨, she asks.

¨We will not be friends, we will be bestfriends! ¨, I say smiling.

¨That's cool. I said to my mother that I would be at home for 10p.m. and it's already 9:45 so I have to go...¨, she says.

¨Hm, okay... See you later, I guess.¨, I say.

It's an awkward moment. Normally when we leave each other, we hug and kiss but now that we are not together anymore, I don't know what to do... I will have to get used to have this kind of relation with her. I give her a smile and go to my car. I drive to my house and go to sleep.

The next day at school is really weird. When I see James, we just ignore each other.

Author's note: Hello everyone! Here's the third chapter, I really hope you liked it! Do you think James and Dylan should talk about the kiss that they shared or just continue to ignore each other? Please let me know in the comments what you think of this chapter and don't forget to like it! Thank you for reading!

Love you all xxx

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