Another day of High School

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"I am so freaking pissed at you!," Emmy and I were walking to school, and she was yelling at me,"How could you turn down a date with Austin?!"

Austin Thomson, a popular guy at our school, had just asked me out on a date, and of course I said NO!

"Emmy! I just don't like Austin, he's not my type!"

She looked at me in awe then, with her ice blue eyes burning a whole into my face,

"Bella has a type, and her best friend doesn't know about it?!"

I laughed,

"Sorry, I didn't think it was important!"

She stepped in front of me and shook me by my shoulders, her long blonde hair swaying back and forth.

"You gotta be kidding me! Bella it's essential that I know you're 'type' how else am I supposed to hook you up with hot guys?."

When she finally released me my arms were banging.

"Gosh how the hell did you get so strong?"

"We've been doing pushups during cheerleading, coach Vince is being his usual Asshole self and saying that cheerleaders need muscle!"

We both laughed at our gym teacher who happened to be Emmys cheer coach.

As we walked into the school, I felt the same flood of eyes gaze upon Emmy as I did every day.

I never got jealous of my best friend, she deserved her popularity, and plus I never wanted it.

She gave me one last hug before going toward her locker,

"Oh, and Bella?! I hope you don't think I forgot about you not telling me your type!?"

"Ok ok, I will tell you during lunch!"

She smiled and walked away then, as all the guys eyes followed.

As I walked to my locker, I thought about how I was going to tell Emmy my type, when my type were females!

I reached my locker and grabbed my needed books, checked myself out in my mirror. I caught sight of Jamie Becker talking to my brother Tommy.

Jamie Becker was like, third on the popular girl list. Next to Haley Cline, and of course Emmy.

I was still looking at her through my mirror, I couldn't take my eyes off her long legs.

When I got completely scared out of my thought, by Tommy singing Barney in my ear.

"I love you... you love me....." I turned around to meet his hazel eyes

"What the Fuck is wrong with you?,"

He laughed at my facial expression,

"Your an idiot!"

I slammed my locker and walked to geometry.

I walked in and took my assigned seat next to Tyler North, He was kinda nerdy.

"Hey Bella! I like your outfit."

He said as I gazed down at my black skinny jeans, green converse and green tank top.

Sometimes, I got the feeling that Tyler had a minor crush on me.

"Thank you Tyler!" His acne face began to turn red, and I almost found myself laughing.

"Ok class, happy Friday!" Mr. Hern said

"Why on earth would you say that?"

Austin said , as he glanced at me, then back at Mr. hern.

"Well because it's Friday and after school today your weekend will have began."

"But we still have like, seven hours of school left!" Everyone started laughing, and that's possibly how Austin made his way to the popular list, well that and his good looks.

Not that I thought he was cute, but probably every other girl in the school who wasn't a Lesbian!

The rest of class was uncomfortable, I felt both Austin and Tylers eyes on me, and when the bell rang I nearly ran out off class.

I crashed into Jamie Becker, and all of her books hit the floor. I was going to pick them up, but the entire hallway did it for me.

"Sorry, wasn't looking." I said

She smiled showing neat braces, how could someone look so hot with braces!?

"It's fine Bella, I've done it a ton of times."

She turned as her books were handed back to her.

"Cool, when do you get your braces off?" I was tempted to start a conversation with her.

"Umm senior year!" She smiled again, when I heard Emmys voice coming toward us.

"Hey guys, what's going on?," she looked at Jamie than looked at me.

"Jamie are you trying to steal my best friend?"

Sometimes Emmy got a little over defensive, but it made me feel like a proud friend.

"Emmy, why on earth would I do that. Even though I would kill to have a friend like Bella!"

Emmy smiled again, and the weirdest thought came into my head.

'I'm standing beside two really hot girls'

and then I thought,

'Shit one off them happens to be my best friend.'

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