I hate you....Part 2 (Cheating Bf Nate X Mat X Gf Reader)

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You get off from the taxi. You grab your suitcase and walked to the door. You knock on the door 3 times.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

You waited as you looked at your watch shortly the door opens revealing Mat himself.

"Oh! Y/N! Hey!" Mat hugged you.

"Hey Mat......" You said depressedly while hugging Mat.

"Hmm? What up Y/N?"

You gave Mat a "Are you f*cking kidding me?!" Face. Mat backed away.

"Oh......right......A-Anyway! Come in!"

You come in while Mat brings your suitcase and closing the door from behind. You sit on a couch while Mat puts your suitcase next to the couch and sit beside you.

"So....tell me...what happen?"

"I came home late today..you know business are crap today tiring as hell. As i was about to walked to the bedroom i heard a tumbling and moaning caming from the bedroom. I cript slowly and open the door a little finding out whats going on and i can't believe what i saw.......Nate was having a thing with Morgan...(I aint gonna say it because i ma not putting swearing words or sexually content......)"

Tears started to stream down from your face. Mat smiled gently and hugs you petting your head "I know how it feels like.....i know....."

You buried your face at Mat's chest while crying harder.

"Hey....Y/N.....I know how it feels like but please stop crying....."

"What?! I cant *sob* how *sob* the heck are you *sob*"

"Y/N.......crying dosent make things better i know the hell pain but please....seeing you cried....its just make me so....sad....."

You looked at Mat and looked down wiping your tears.

"Your right......"

"Hey i know how to make you feel better!!"


"Lets play undertale!!!"

"Undertale? Whats that?l

"Y/N you don't remember? The game i told you 2 or 3 days ago?"

"Umm no.....but i wanna see that"

"Great! Lets do it!"

You and Mat broked the hug and went to the room where Mat's recording or playing video games.

(Playing mode)

I am gonna put Y= As you the reader and M= For Mat so you guys wont get confused with the text and stuff and spoilers for the people who dosent know undertale or havent played undertale. You shiuld get out if you dont want spoilers meh...

Y="Name the fallen human....."

M="You choose Y/N"

Y="Uhh you cho-"

M="Y/N you play the game and your my guest you choosed"

Y="F...fine...i ma gonna call him C/N (Characters name)"

M="Thats a great name...and i dont think thats a he..."

Y="What? But its looks like it....."

M="Maybe there is no gender..."

Y="Wow really? Amazing! I liked this game already! This is the first time i heard a game that has no gender!! Coooool!!"


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