Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Alex.... my special someone, he just doesn't know it yet.

Chapter 1

To say I'm nervous to go off to college is the understatement of the century. I have no idea how college will go, and I definitely feel like puking a little when I think too much of it.

Sighing, I moodily finish packing my things, knowing there was no way out of it.

"Annabela, hija, come eat breakfast, or you are going to faint on the way over there!", my mom yells from the kitchen. She exaggerates, like if the university was halfway across the country. It was just 6 hours away! But she is adamant I have a hearty (and fattening) breakfast every morning or I will "faint" from lack of vitamins or some other crap like that. Mothers.

"Coming Mami!" I yell back.

I quickly finish applying some eyeliner, grab my last box and my purse, and run downstairs, two steps at a time. The smell of bacon and sausage immediately fills my nose, and I close my eyes, relishing in it.

"Buenos dias!" I announce, and give each of my parents a hug and kiss on the cheek. I don't usually do that, but going away to college was making me an emotional sap. God help me!

My dad nods at me while continuing to read the morning paper, and my mom briefly hugs me back, then turns back to the spanish news.

"Where's Elena and Antonio?," my dad asks, without looking up from his paper.


"Bella," my dad says, giving me a dissaproving look, "was it necessary to yell like a madwoman?"

I try to hide my laugh, but fail miserably.

"You asked for them didn't you?"

"Yes mija, but I did not want to lose my hearing in the process."

I laugh and help my mom set the table. I hear some yelling, and as on cue, see my brother and sister reach the bottom of the stairs, yelling and shoving eachother.

"I beat you!"

"NO I beat YOU!"

"No, I DID!"

"MOM," they yell simultaneously, "tell him/her that I won!"

As you can guess, they are twins, and constantly argue and fight with each other. They are extremely annoying, but they wouldn't be my siblings otherwise.

"Elena, Antonio, sit down so we can eat together one last time before your sister leaves," my mom says, choking up a bit at the end.

"Mami, I am leaving to college, not dying. Plus, I am not far, and I will be home at the holidays, which is just a few months away. Please don't make a big deal out of this." She is so exasperating!

She nods and sits down to eat. I shove down the food like a wild animal, anxious to take off and finally have a little bit of freedom. I am the first to finish eating, (no surprise there) and impatiently begin to tap my nails on the kitchen table. This went on for awhile until my siblings yelled at me to stop. I sit there pouting until they finally finish eating.

I am practically jumping up and down in my seat as my family slowly push in their chairs and take their dishes to the sink.

"Ready?!?!" I practically yell at them.

They nod sadly and I run to the door. My dad grabs the last box of my stuff and walks to my car, putting it in the truck. I know I should be sad I am leaving my family, and I kind of am, but I can't help but feel excitement at the prospect of finally being on my own!

I hug my brother and sister (who are still fighting), and kiss them goodbye.

"Eeww gross! What's wrong with you!" they said simultaneously, causing me to laugh.

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