Entry Log : 4-5-17

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Dear Sherlock,

If you're reading this... things have not been easy for you to reach this point. Through death and corruption, you've found this letter. I don't know what year it will be when you do. Remember what we said each night on Bakerstreet? Each and every 'I love you' that slipped from my lips was something I wish I could have lied about to keep you from this pain. Oh God I wish I could have lied to your face about every word to keep you away from this. Each and every second haunts me to ask what will you do after this... will you move on? The Sherlock I've grown to know tells me not, but with the recent changes in the world there's no telling anymore. I just pray you find this before they do, and you can read for yourself as to what's happened.

Three months ago, I was abducted from Balerstreet. Ever since, all I've seen are concrete walls and bludgeons in my face. Questions about you were tossed at me, and they wouldn't stop until I was beaten beyond vocalization. Whatever they tell you, don't listen to them. Don't. Listen. To. Them. You need to run, get Mycroft and run, run as if your life depends on it, because it just might. I don't know their plans, all I know is you need to be far away from here whenever you see this. They'll kill you, and they'll kill me simply for writing this.

Please Sherlock, do this one thing for me and don't die. I lov

●End of Chapter One●

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2017 ⏰

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