1. My Story

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Do you ever just feel like you are not needed in the world and that you are just a waste of life? Or simply just the fact that you feel unloved and no one likes you and that you're a loner seeking for an everlasting friendship? Well thats me...Amanda...Amanda Gore.  In high school I did make some friends but they never lasted a full year. I just found most of them as fake or just a user. Some would just call me when they were bored and not call me and talk to me like I meant something in their life. I had one best friend in my senior year and thought that our friendship would last but it came to an end due to the fact that she moved to London with her family. It was heartbreaking for me because I never trusted someone so much like I trusted her...she was someone I could cry to about my problems and have fun with. We went to 1D concerts and just had the time of our lives. Her name was Cyn pronounced like sin. The reason why she said she had to leave to London was to have a better life which I didn't understand what she meant. Not only her to have a better life but for her family as well.  It was so hard for me to get over her because the bond we had and the memories kept on coming back a few months after she left. 

I do have a mother and a step father that live in Chicago. I live in New York because I just wanted to explore a new life where it's a fresh start and no one knows me but I have been here for almost a year now and not one friendship yet. I did once have a boyfriend in 8th grade but oh boy that didn't go well.  I work at Starbucks on 100 Williams Street. You are probably thinking like "you work with people at Starbucks why don't you have friends"?? I see them as acquaintances and not true friends. The thing about me is you have to build up to be my friend and that includes talking to me more than 10 time and not me having to call you or text you in order for you to talk to me.  Trust me I've been in those friendships and never lasted because I was the only one putting effort into the friendship and the other wasn't. So the moral of my story is I am a lonely girl searching for everlasting friendships and maybe love.  New York what do you have to offer?

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