2. Another Flop Friendship?

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[ My mom had a tough time during her marriage with my birth father and like I told you guys I have a step dad. You are probably making the assumption that my mother is divorced with my birth dad and your assumption is correct. My mom went through a horrible abusive relationship before I was born, she has been going through it even during I was a little kid practically a baby. She told me I was about 2 when it was happening and when I was 2 that was the year she divorced him. Up till today I never was able to see my father one on one and to be honest I don't want to. His name Daniaal Grayson and what I know he was 32 when they divorced. ]

*Call from Derrick*


Oh god what do you want now Derrick?

"Can you please come in to work today, Khloe called off at the last minute because of a family emergency and no one else is available and I KNOW I can count on you right? Okay cool! 



[ He sure does piss me off. I was planning to chill at home and watch netflix ALONE IN PEACE like I have been practically my whole life. I bet that damn girl Khloe doesn't have no damn family emergency, shes just trying to make up an excuse to NOT come to work I mean be basic like the rest of the people who fake and call off and just say you're sick god damn! ]

                                            4:31PM Starbucks on 100 Williams Street


Okay Derrick I am leaving now, next time call Noah to come in because I so had plans!

"Stop complaining, you're getting an extra $150 on your paycheck, or should I lower it?"

NOPE NO NO IT'S FINE, um thank you but um why so much?

He raised his eyebrow in confusion as if I didn't want the money lmao.

Never mind Derrrick, Thank you! C'ya later. 


[ I decided to stop by chipotle and grab something to eat because I honestly didn't feel like cooking at home. A 21 year old lonely girl sure is hungry! Today oddly it took so long just to get my damn order...all I wanted for their rice and chicken. As I am waiting I notice this girl talking to herself complaining about how long it's taking to get her food. ]


I know right, I have been here for almost 15 minutes and didn't get my food yet.

"Same like I am running late for a party and want to grab something to eat before I go, and who are you? You seem pretty cool and don't look SO bad."

[ Oh god please don't let this be a flop friendship if it even happens. ]

Oh my name is Amanda, I um I work at the Starbucks on 100 Wilson Street. The girl that always looks bored waiting on the counter for customers to come in.

"Oh I don't think I have been to that one yet...when did it open?"

I honestly don't knowwwwww ... ummm

"Teala...my name is Teala, ahaha."

RIGHT! Well I just recently moved here, almost been a year since I moved out here and pretty lonely you know, I used to live in Chicago and that city is nothing compared to here. 

"I just moved here 6 months ago so looks like we're both the lost ones ha!"

                                                 [ To be honest she seemed pretty cool and reminded me of Cyn because  Ombré colored hair. ]

Worker at Chipotle: BAKED SALAD! 

"Thats my order! Hey ummm....Am....


"Amanda, would you like to talk again sometime...?

    ✌ ✌ 

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