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Bellamy strode briskly through the small encampment of Arkadia that he now called home, heading towards the central square, where a small group of guards were waiting.
As he approached the group, he felt a hand grab his shoulder.

Bellamy turned and saw Monty standing behind him, with Jasper in tow.

"Bellamy, what happened? We just got back, and everyone's saying Pike is Chancellor and we're at war again. This can't be true, right?" Monty asked, a worried expression etched on his face.

"Listen Monty," Bellamy began, "They-"

"Hey Blake! You coming or what?" A large, toned Guard yelled from where he and the others were waiting in the square.

"I'll be right there Hernandez." Bellamy called back. He turned to face Monty again and continued.

"They started this war. Pike understands that and he's doing the right thing by chasing them out of our lands. We have to help him, or else we'll be wiped out by the grounders." He said.

"They started- Are you kidding me right now? We made peace, man! How could you support Pike?!" Monty asked, shocked. His eyes bore into Bellamy's until the latter dropped his gaze to the ground, unable to meet the questioning glare.

"Isn't it obvious, Monty? He's a murderer. It's what he does." Jasper chuckled darkly and moved away and headed towards the Ark, staggering a bit as he walked.

"Who are you? Because the guy that became my friend sure as hell wouldn't do this." Monty asked softly.

"I've always been like this, Monty. I'm protecting my people, I don't need to answer to you, or to anyone." With that, Bellamy turned and stormed into the square, leaving a shocked Monty behind.


"Alright everyone, listen up! We're going to be splitting into four squads, and each squad will be given a quarter of our territory to inspect. Our objective is to clear out any remaining grounders and make sure there is no incoming force to retaliate for our attack on the invading army. Here are the teams." Bellamy proceeded to read off a list of names for each group. He continued, "I'll be with Alpha. If you see anything, don't try to be a hero, radio it in, and the closest squad will come to back you up. Good luck. Until we meet again."

"Until we meet again," Came the chorusing reply.

An image of Clarke popped up in Bellamy's head.

No, I can't think about that right now

The feeling of the kiss on the cheek she gave him rushed back, as he recalled the scene.

He remembered staring at her and seeing the sorrow crease her brow. He remembered saying that they both needed a drink, and then when the response came, "Have one for me", he remembered a terrible feeling of dread.

The tall youth shook his head to snap out of it.

She left you. She abandoned you to bear the weight of what you did. Clarke doesn't care, and she never will.

With that thought coursing through his head Bellamy slung his rifle over his shoulder and followed Alpha team out into the wilderness.

Monty watched as Bellamy gathered the patrol. Sometimes he wished that he could be in space again, away from all this fighting. He'd seen his best friend change into a murderer in front of his eyes. Part of him wanted to go back to Bellamy, to try to convince him that he was wrong, that there was still some good in him, but he knew there was no use. Instead, he turned back into the tent, where Raven was working on one of her projects. Jasper was sitting next to her and stared at what she was doing blankly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2016 ⏰

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