This Is Gonna Be Fun (Total Drama Island One Shot)

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    I’m sitting in the confessional. The door’s closed but somebody happen to break the lock, so now there’s a chance of someone walking in on me, but that’s highly unlikely. Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot is in the elimination ceremony and the rest of my team is getting pampered in first class.

    “God! I’m so freaking happy he’s back. I mean, sure, he left me alone with all these idiots, which I’m still mad at, but hey, things happen. I’ll probably just smack him or rip out his piercings or-” I stop as I hear the door to the bathroom open. I look over and see the man of the hour himself.

    “Well, well, well, look who decided to show his face.” I turn to face him and pout.

    “Aw, c’mon Marie, don’t be like that.” Duncan crosses his arms and raises his eyebrow in amusement. “Seriously Kitten, don’t pout. You know what it does to me.” He continues.

    “Oh yeah, well I’m about to make you pout permanently you jerk!” I stand up and wave my arms around. “Why did you leave me? I get it, you were annoyed at those two harpies screeching at each other, but dude, that’s no reason to give up a million dollars. Hell! I’d gladly share a bed with the two of them and Owen if it meant I got a million dollars.” I stand their with my arms out and my mouth wide open.

    “You done?” He says with his arms still cross.

    I sigh as I lower my arms and slump down. Part of me just wants to forget about it, but I can’t let him off that easy. We’re partners in crime, we may not be Bonnie and Clyde level but we sure as hell are at least Team Rocket. We aren’t out to kill people, we just want to ruin your day. Without him here, I was stuck with not only his two groupies, but, with a group of psychos without a slither common sense! The only people here that were somewhat tolerable were Lindsay, Noah and Owen. Yeah. Owen. God help us all when he is one of the only people I can tolerate. We weren’t even on the same team! Like seriously? Not cool dude. I have spent almost every confession ranting about him. I missed him more than my own twin. My own twin! The person who’s been with me since birth. So no, I’m not ready to just let this roll over, not this time.  I stand up straight and cross my arms. I glare at him. He lowers his arms and stares wide eye at me.

    “Not really, no.” I say to him. I walk over and stand directly in front of him with my hands on my hips. He looks down at me and rolls his eyes as he sighs.

    “Look-” Duncan begins to say before I cut him off.

    “No, you look.” I jab his chest with my finger.  

    “You left me alone. You know how many people I actually liked while doing these shows?”

    “Uh, te-”

    “Do not, interrupt me.”

     “But you said-”

    “Do not interrupt me.”



    “But I-”

    “Duncan!” I scream his name and cross my arms in front of my chest. I close my eyes and shake my head, because of this I didn’t notice when his eyesight slipped down to my cleavage. I uncross my arms and open my eyes. I look back up to his face and glare.

    “Seriously dude, never leave me again. I had like no body. The only people that I actually enjoyed being around were Lindsay, Noah and Owen.” Duncan’s eyebrow lifts at the mention of Owen. “Yeah, that’s how bad it was.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2013 ⏰

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