A Dinner to Die For

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The Guests took their assigned places at the Dinner Table. It was a very long table. Long enough to fit all the guests. At the head of the Table sat Brenda with Riley and Maya on either side of her. Next to Riley was Farkle, and next to Maya was Lucas. Next to Farkle sat Yogi and Darby, then Dave and Jade, Wyatt and Hayley, then Smackle. Next to her sat Mayor Daniels, Mr and Mrs Cartwright who owned a series of Hotels in the town, and Cassandra Banks; wealthy Fashion Designer and longtime rival of Missy Bradford. Coming around the table was Charlie and Emma, Billy and Missy, and then an empty seat before coming back round to Lucas and Maya.

Brenda raised a glass and lightly tapped it with a spoon three times. "Attention everyone. Before we begin I would like to go over the rules." Just then the door to the Dining Room burst open.

"Sorry that I'm late everyone. I was just parking my car. I couldn't find the valet." It was Isaiah Babineaux. "Isaiah!" exclaimed Brenda. "Its so lovely that you made it. I'm sorry I don't know where the valet has got to. He has only been here a few months. You really can't get the staff these days. Anyway please take your seat next to Mr Friar." "Thank you Brenda, and please; call me Zay." He smiled at Brenda which made her instantly turn red.

Brenda immediately regained her composure. "Ahem. As I was saying, it is now time to go over the rules of the game. Now, the event begins as of this moment. The way that this is going to work is that we all act as we normally would at a party, until the first 'body' is found. Once that has happened th-"

"Excuse me Ma'am, there is a Telephone Call for you in the Study."

"Rupert could you please ask them to call again at a better time?"

"I'm afraid the caller is insisting Ma'am."

"Very well. Please fell free to enjoy your meals and talk amongst yourselves. I shouldn't be too long. Anna here will take care of any of your needs." With that Brenda walked out of the Dining Room and towards the Study. "For God's sake Rupert who the hell is calling?" she asked. "It's Mr Baxingdale Ma'am." he replied.

"Oh I see. Well then I must take this. Please wait outside Rupert until I need you."

"Of course Ma'am" Rupert walked out of the Study closing both doors behind him. Brenda sat down in her armchair and picked up her old timey telephone on the stand next to her, but hesitated before ringing back. Walter Baxingdale was one of the richest men in America. His Corporate Empire was huge, spanning the World over. Recently though he had started putting rival Companies out of Business, usually by force. Brenda had known about this for a while now. More and more Companies had suddenly been going either out of Business alltogether or suddenly being bought up, or saved by Baxingdale Industries. Her investigations had always led her back to that Company. But she knew that she had to be cautious when looking into it's activities. Brenda rang back. A distinguished voice answered.

"Ah Brenda have you agreed on the Deal?

"You know to address me by Miss Lockford, Walter."

"Oh come on Brenda don't be like that. We've known each other long enough to be on a first names basis."

It was true. Brenda had known him for a long time, but her past had always been too painful to remember.

"I'm not agreeing to the Deal. I still have my pride Walter."

"Brenda, we all know that your Company has lost a lot of Value in it's Shares these past couple of months. If you leave it any longer you'll end up losing more Money and the Company will collapse."

"I can handle things very well on my own."

"Is that really the stance you're gonna take? You know that I can help you."

"You've helped well enough over the years." she said sarcastically. "There won't be a deal Walter. Goodbye."

His voice turned cold. "Fine. Have it your way."

Brenda put down the phone and was about to return to her guests. But first she looked at the Key and Heart Locket that she always kept around her neck. She held them both firmly in her hand. She opened up the Locket for the first time in years. It had always hurt her to do this and it was no different now. She looked at the picture inside and immediately began to cry.

Meanwhile, the Guests were still at the Dinner Table. "I'll just go to check on Madam Lockford." said Anna the Maid, and she retreated from the Room. "Lucas its been a long time man, how are things?" Zay asked. "Oh things are great thanks. Never been better." he replied. "You know I remember last time I was in town you and Maya were talking about having a family. So any kids on the way at all? Maya always winced at that word. Under the table Lucas immediately grabbed hold of her hand. "Urh um. Well." he said with a slight laugh. "I don't mean to intrude at all bro." Zay said. "No, no its fine. Me and Maya urh haven't exactly made our minds up as to what we want to do at this point. But uh, I guess thats definitely something that we'll get around to at some point." Maya tightened her grip around her Husband's hand.

"Is everything allright Peaches?" Riley asked. "Huh?" Maya replied dully.

"I was just asking if you were allright. You seem a little sad."

"Oh I'm fine. I was just thinking about something. How's the Job hunt going?" Maya asked, trying to quickly change the subject. "Well I've been looking." "Shes's been at home moping" Farkled butted in. "Farkle!" Riley snapped. "Oh come on, Sugarpuff Maya isn't going to judge you." "Yeah Riles." Maya agreed. "I"m just in a bit of a funk right now. But I'll figure things out soon enough." Riley explained. "You always do Riles." Maya smiled at her best friend.

All of a sudden a horrifying scream could be heard coming from the direction of the Study. "Oh my god what was that?" Missy asked, scared. "Well I guess the Evening's entertainment has begun." Farkle chimed with a smile. "Lets go check it out." said Zay.

The crowd of Guests made their way out of the Dining Room and through a series of Halls. On their way they walked past dozens of wonderful paintings and pieces of extravagant furniture. "These paintings are much better than anything you've ever smudged on a canvas Maya." Missy Bradford spitefully remarked. "At least more people go to see my artwork then your Movies, Bradford." Maya shot back. "Oh ha ha very funny. Wow look at this". Missy was looking at a painting of a stunning sunset over a clifftop and harbour, it looked like it must have been worth millions. "See look at this painting. Its marvellous. The modern stuff you make is trash compared to the classics." "Oh you like it?" Maya asked. "Yes. Its lovely I wish I had it." "Thanks." Maya replied. "Its one of mine." Maya enjoyed smiling at Missy spitefully. Missy was left standing speechless.

The Guests finally made it to the Study where they found the Door ajar. Zay knocked on the Door. "Brenda? You there?" There was no answer. He opened the Door fully and switched on the lights. "Ah Jesus." He was looking directly at Brenda. Still sat in her antique armchair with blood dripping from her neck onto the floor. "Wow I didn't know we were gonna be starting this early." Farkle said whilst walking over to the 'body'. "Damn you really went all out Brenda. I mean the slit throat, the blood spatter. Wow! This carpet has to be at least two hundred years old." "Farkle." Riley said calmly. Lucas walked over to Brenda. Her eyes were still open. "The blood is still warm too!" Farkle said excitedly. "Now thats dedication!" "Farkle." This time it was Lucas. He took his hand from off Brenda's wrist. "She's dead."

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