Chapter 3

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Cade paced back and forth from the front door to the end of the narrow hallway. It was seven ten, not seven o’clock like Lucas had said. Cade had gotten himself dressed nicely. He was wearing his dark jeans with his black button up shirt that apparently made his grey eyes look more sliver and pretty according to the females he used to go out with when he was younger. He had his short hair spiked up in the front making his hair look like a wave.

There was a sharp knock at the door and Cade stopped himself from tearing open the door and yelling at Lucas who he could scent from the hall. He took a deep breath and opened the door scowling at Lucas who was in front of two females.

One was close to him holding his hand. She seemed to try and disappear into Lucas when she saw him open the door. Cade could scent the fear coming off of her and saw the way her eyes got large.

The other woman though was taller. She had a pretty face and the perfect green eyes that Cade had ever seen. She was wearing a tight dress that showed of her large breasts that would easily fill his large callused hands. The female also had curly blonde hair that Cade wanted to run fingers threw. He quickly glanced at her pale lips and a smile started to twitch at his lips before he stopped them.

I wouldn’t mind kissing those lips or letting those lips kiss me.

He shook his head and looked back at Lucas who could probably scent his arousal.

“Let’s go.” Cade said simply closing the door to his apartment and leading the way towards the elevator.

“Now Cade, is that anyway to make a good impression?” He heard Lucas say from behind him.

“Fine, my name is Cade.” He said over his shoulder not stopping his walk to the elevator.

He heard Lucas stop walking and whisper apologize to the females with him. Lucas didn’t start walking again so Cade stopped and turned around.

“Are we going or are y’all just going to sit there and have a party in the hall?”

“Cade, you need to stop being so rude.” Lucas said from behind the tall female with green eyes. “This is Shayla. Shayla is your date tonight. And you need to be nice to her.”

Cade glared past the female named, Shayla, and straight at Lucas who was standing defiantly. Cade sighed and stuck his hand out to Shayla for her to take and shake.

“I am sorry from being so rude. This was thrust up on me just this morning so I wasn’t really as prepared as the rest of y’all were.” He said giving the female a somewhat nice smile. “Are you ready to go now?”


They arrived at the restaurant only a few minutes later. They had ridden in complete silence expect for every now and then Lucas would whisper something into Masey’s ear and she would giggle or slap him playfully on  his chest and he would smile as she reacted.

It made Shayla jealous. She was sitting next to one beautiful man but he had said earlier he didn’t even want to be here so there was no way that he was even going to pretend he was interested in her. She wished that the tall broad shouldered, very toned man would act like Lucas was acting with Masey but Shayla knew that was never going to happen, at least not with the man sitting next to her.

When the group walked into the restaurant Shayla was supposed to see how fancy it really was. From the outside it looked like it was a run-down old pub where they would be listening to shouting and arguing over the Dallas Cowboys and what Tony Romo was doing wrong. But the inside was nothing like a pub the waiting room was packed full of people and a large chandler was over them. The place was painted a light bronze color and the tables had white table clothes over them.

Shayla followed close behind Masey as the men followed behind them whispering about something. They were seated in the back of the restaurant in a small booth just big enough for four people.

Masey sat down on one side and Shayla started to sit in next to her. But Masey spoke before Shayla could sit down.

“Shay, there is no way those two could squish in on the other side of the booth! And don’t give me any smart ass remark!” Masey hissed at her obviously not wanting the guys to overhear her.

Shayla rolled her eyes but she moved to the other side and got as close to the wall as she could hoping that would be enough room so that she wouldn’t have get too much in Hot Shots way.

“I am not going to bite you.” Cade said as he slide into the booth next to her. “I am a nice person.”

“You don’t act like it.” She mumbled under her breath so he couldn’t hear her.

“I said I was sorry.” He said looking down at the menu with a scowl on his face.

Damn, even with that scowl he is HOT!!!

Shayla shook the thought out of her head. She couldn’t think that way with her date. She didn’t know the guy. But for some reason even though he had been totally rude to her she wanted to know what it would be like for him to look at her with his cat like grey eyes and slowly let his mouth go down and devour hers. She didn’t want him to go slow and easy she wanted him to go hard and fast. And thank goodness that that was the type of guy he looked like.

She could feel heat come up inside her legs with the thought. She quickly clamped her legs together tightly and looked over the menu like nothing was happening to her right now because of Cade sitting next to her.

“So, Cade and Lucas what do you guys do?”  Masey asked after they had all placed there drink orders. The boys had both ordered a beer Shayla had never heard of, Masey had ordered some fruity cocktail, and Shayla had ordered a Dirty Martini in hopes of calming her nerves.

Lucas took a sip of his beer and so did Cade both seeming to take a long time to answer the simply question.

“Lucas and I own a company.” Cade said finally.

“What this big fella means is that he owns and runs it and I get to sit on my ass and wait till he finally needs help with something and I come into save the day!” Lucas said smiling brightly.

Cade snorted rolling his eyes as he did so. It made Shayla smile and start to laugh. She had finished her first drink already and the second one was being set down in front of her. So far the drink was helping her calm down just a little bit.

“What about you Shayla? I already know what Masey does and I doubt that Cade cares what she does but we might get something out of him if we know what you do.” Lucas said smiling and lacing his fingers in with Masey’s making her blush hard.  

“I work for this guy named Michelle. I am his personal assistant. Although I’m not sure,” Shayla started but was quickly cut off by Masey.

“What she means is, she does pointless tasks for Michelle just so he can ogle her while she does them.”

“Does it happen to be Michelle Pinshack?” Cade’s husky Texas drawl asked.

“Yeah, one and the same, I really hate him but he pays me good. The other day he cornered me. I mean literally had me back in a corner and said he was going to rape me! I told him no, kneed him in the balls and ran as fast as I could away from him!” Shayla told the group. She hadn’t yet to tell Masey and she hadn’t planned on it but then again drinks always made Shayla spill things she didn’t really want too. “He hasn’t shown up to work since that day. Although his so called body guards have been following me home and then leaving once I get inside. At least I think they do…” Shayla shrugged and went back to drinking her Dirty Martini not really caring what the others thought.

Masey giggled. “You mean clumsy and dumbass? Those two couldn’t hide if their lives depended on it!”

That statement made Shayla and Masey burst out laughing. 

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