Mitch X reader 100(104) special

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So I wanted to thank you all for 100 reads on this story and I see you guys want a continuation so here's a special in thanks of 100 reads.


4 years have passed since Michael escaped and he's been in solitary confinement since. 9 months ago Mitch and I learned we'd be parents, it was the happiest we'd ever been. We decided during the checkup not to receive the gender or even watch. Since I am close to my due date we are talking about names "Mitchie?" He smiles and puts his hand on my belly. "Yes love." I put my hand on his then intertwine our fingers. "If it's a girl can we name her Ravenna Nix Grassi-(l/n)?" He smiles and nods at me. "Yeah but if it's a boy can we name it James Scott Grassi-(l/n)?" I smile and nod vigorously, "I love it, and I love you." As soon as I say that I get a sharp pain and I feel like I peed but I didn't. I grab notches arm in a death grip. "Babe what's wrong." I stare at him and say our keyword "kittens..." He looks and when realization hits he grabs the packed bags and throws them over his shoulder and carries me to the car.

Time skip to after the births brought to you by Wyatt~

"Hello baby Ravenna." I smile at the little girl in my arms and turn my head. Mitches eyes wide with adornment at his newborn son and daughter. "Hello baby James." He and I say in sync as I grab the babies hand.

Time skip 1 year brought to you by the band.

"Happy birthday babies!" Mitch and I crash into the kids' room to unintelligible babbles and them crawling in their cribs. I grab Rave and Mitch grabs James. Our daughter got my (e/c) eyes and her dads black hair, she also got her dads thinner frame. Our son however got his dad's eyes my hair and my thicker frame, luckily I thinned out as I got older. "Rave, Jamie wanna go see Auntie Kirstie and Uncle Avi, Scott and Kevin?" The kids eyes lit up and they started flailing their arms in excitement. The guys and Kirst have been so good to the kids and Avi having a girl of his own that's almost 2 and Kevin having a boy about half over a year the kids have play friends. When Kirstie sees Rave she runs over and grabs her leaving her giggling and I pick up Melody and she reacts the same. After the party we exchange our goodbyes and kids back and go to bed. A great day for everyone. "Mitch I love you almost as much as I love our little angels." He smiles and holds me tighter. Finally a happy ending.


So that's it for this special. If we hit 500 reads I may do an older chapter so leave some suggestions for age groups.

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