chapter 3

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(Your pov)
As we walk to jacks house i get a texted from my step-dad it said that you need to come home rit now.Of this being me i stopped in my tracks. Jack looked at me and came close to me. I stoped him and looked at him with sadness in my eyes." Jack i have to go my step-dad wants me home again." I said with a crack in my vioce. "Ok (y/n) call me if you need anything alright." Jack said with cavern look on his face and walked away. As i was about to fly away i got a text from jack.

J:hey just making sure it works sry.

Y:it's ok.

I flew in the sky and was watching Jack walk home to make sure he's fine.

Y:look up dude.


(Jack pov)
I looked up to see y/n flying above me it was cute.she is probably making sure I'm fine.

J:are you making sure I'm fine before you leave to go home?

Y:yes well bye.

As i watched her fly away i got to my door and was greeted with a hug from my gf.

Your pov

As i watching Jack go to his door i saw he had a gf. After that i flew home to my step-dad and was instantly hit in the face with a punch. As i got up i flew to my room and packed some stuff so I could live on my own. When i flew out the window i text sean.


J: wats up.

Y:well just got hit in the face by my step-dick y

J:are you ok do you need a place to stay or are you fine!?!?!

Y:yea i have a place to stay but i don't want to be a bother to your gf so I'll be fine ok don't worry about me alright.

J:ok if you say so but be safe ok.

Y:yea yea thanks dad.

J:that's rit i am your daddy!


J:har har yea well bye


As i walk to the park i sit on the bench and take out me sketch book and started to draw and write stuff like ya'know stuff. I get up and walk down the street to the Starbucks and order a fudge coffe.(i can't remember the name of it ok don't blame me). As i was walking my hair and my eyes started to glow to show the it all the way dark at night.

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