The Beginning and The End

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Dear David Olster,

I absolutely love hot cheetos.

I absolutely love donuts.

I absolutely adore babies.

I absolutely adore the elderly.

I absolutely love sleep.

I absolutely love chickfila.

I absolutely love panera.

I absolutely love Starbucks.

I absolutely love to dance.

I absolutely love to sing.

I absolutely love to act.

And most of all I absolutely love you.

So I want you to
remember that as you read this.

Where do I begin?

I'll begin in our last year of high school.

We were both seniors and we knew that we would be separated but we knew that we could survive a few years of not constantly seeing each other.  We loved each other too much to ever break up. And so we survived a few years.

You called me right after you graduated and said "Baby, we can finally be together!"

Then, you abruptly hung up on me, leaving me to wonder what the hell was wrong with you.

5 hours later, my doorbell rung and there you were, standing in front of me.
You hugged me and life was good again.

So let me fast forward to our later years.

You started a business that peaked the interest of many sponsors.

Your business was booming but that was the only thing that was booming.

Our relationship on the other hand, was another story.

You would tell me that you needed to work so that when we get married, you could provide for us properly. I understood that, but your work was taking over your life.

Yet somehow, when you got down on one knee, I still said yes. So we got married the next year, despite your constant work excuses.

It was my 27th birthday. I got ready and I even bought new lingerie so that maybe I could get you stay in bed without having to answer phone calls.

I called your office to remind you of our reservation at my favorite restaurant and you said that you would be an hour late. I understood that and went anyway.

I got there, secured our table and waited 5 hours until it was closing time.

You never came.

Yet I understood, stayed calm and didn't overreact.

I asked you where you were and why you couldn't come.

You said that you had business meetings and then a sponsor wanted to meet with you at 6, which just so happened to be our reservation time.

You said that you were sincerely sorry and that you would make up for it with a trip to the Bahamas.

I forgave you and we went.

Then you left two hours after we arrived.

Apparently your company couldn't even survive two hours without you.

So I let you go and enjoyed the Bahamas by myself.

I went to the beach and got asked by many guys if they could buy me a drink, but I refused and said that I was married.

With love, MadelineWhere stories live. Discover now